SQL Performance and navchar(MAX)

At work we had an issue where our sql performance (SQL Server 2005) was very slow - much slower than we needed and everything looked OK but in the production environment (to which we don’t have access - rightfully) things were not ticking as they should be. We had a requirement to be able to process ~200K / hour and we were barely managing ~ 44K / day! Ouch! As it turns out, the solution in the end after a lot of digging and flapping around was changing the type of one of the columns which was defined as a nvarchar(MAX) to a nvarchar(400)....

November 7, 2007 · Amit Bahree

Reflector SQL Server 2005 Addin

Denis has an addin to Reflector for SQL Server 2005 (Yukon). that can be used to browse .NET assemblies stored in a SQL Server 2005 (Yukon) database. You can connect your local Reflector installation to a remote SQL Server instance, list the databases and its assemblies and download them directly into .NET Reflector. Once my issues with Whidbey are resolved, I will check this out. [Listening to: Track 02 - New Artist (38) - New Title (38) (04:48)]

January 16, 2005 · Amit Bahree