Am I Nerdy?

This is what I have been told: Overall, you scored 95% which means 5% scored higher (more nerdy), and 95% scored lower (less nerdy). What does this mean? Your nerdiness is: All hail the monstrous nerd. You are by far the SUPREME NERD GOD!!! Bah! I know people more nerdy than I am! ...

January 20, 2005 · Amit Bahree

Killing Time in Ireland

I got this via Meenakshi, my lovely and sensible wife (unlike me); but that is another story for another day. In the meantime I believe this is how they kill time in Ireland. You can click on each of the images to see them in full resolution. ...

January 16, 2005 · Amit Bahree

Bliss of being Married

January 12, 2005 · Amit Bahree

Is your son a hacker?

I forgot how I got this, it was thru someone but don’t recall. Whoever told me this, please ping me if you are reading this so I can give you credit. Anyways Gibbons has a very enlightening read which every parent who has a computer at home, just have to read ! Here is an excerpt: As an enlightened, modern parent, I try to be as involved as possible in the lives of my six children. I encourage them to join team sports. I attend their teen parties with them to ensure no drinking or alcohol is on the premises. I keep a fatherly eye on the CDs they listen to and the shows they watch, the company they keep and the books they read. You could say I’m a model parent. My children have never failed to make me proud, and I can say without the slightest embellishment that I have the finest family in the USA. ...

January 11, 2005 · Amit Bahree

Tips for finding a new job

December 21, 2004 · Amit Bahree

Bush Prepares for Possible Shutdown of GPS Network in National Crisis

MIT Technology Review is running an article that states that U.S. President Bush has ordered plans for temporarily disabling the U.S. network of global positioning satellites during a national crisis to prevent terrorists from using GPS technology. Bush also instructed the Defence Department to develop plans to disable, in certain areas, an enemy’s access to the U.S. navigational satellites and to similar systems operated by others. The European Union is developing a $4.8 billion (euro3.59 billion) program, called Galileo. ...

December 20, 2004 · Amit Bahree

Farce amongst gravity

Lapdeep pointed this one my way. BBC has a very funny report on the Northern Alliance in Afghanistan and how they are coping with the fighting! Hope you enjoy it as much as I did. Before you start reading this story , if you have a serious laughter problem, then please stop! ...

December 16, 2004 · Amit Bahree


To some of my friends who recently joined the hen pecked husbands association!

December 11, 2004 · Amit Bahree

Linksys and common sense

This is pretty idiotic (and funny). Since I recently moved from US to UK, I wanted to buy a adaptor for the 240v (and funny plugs) that are there in the UK for my Linksys router. So I find out their sales number here in the UK and give them a call and say I just want the power adaptor as mine is “broken”. Guess what they tell me? Sorry, can’t have one mate. Huh? What? Seems, like they don’t sell power adaptors, I would either have to buy a new router, or if mine is covered in warranty (which it is), then that would need to be replaced under that. Grrr…. ...

December 11, 2004 · Amit Bahree

Working ones way up...

And ain’t it true. :) PS - click on the image to see the full size.

December 11, 2004 · Amit Bahree

Software upgrade knocks out UK govt. network

It seems that a routine software upgrade knocked out 80% of the UK govt. PC’s at the Dept. for Work and Pensions. Though the article mentions Microsoft and EDS, it does not mention the real reason for the issue, just says that “Staff at the DWP found that they were unable to use their desktop computer after a number of technical glitches knocked out 80,000 of the department’s 100,000 terminals.” ...

November 30, 2004 · Amit Bahree

Is this a load of bow-loany (pun intended)?

Extremetech has an article evaluating the US release of Bow-Lingual which aims to translate “dog” to “English”, i.e. converting simple dog barks to phrases. There is a wireless mic that hooks up to the dog’s collar and a unit that you hold to see the result. When the dog barks or whines, the recording device is triggered which then records raw, unfiltered sound for the next three seconds. After recording, the sample is segmented into four equal length audio components, each coming in around .75 seconds in length, each of which is broken down into voice prints and matched again a “database of voice prints”. ...

November 18, 2004 · Amit Bahree

Top 10 Bush Tax Proposals - John Kerry on David Letterman

Ah, the political heat is in the air here in the US and the mudslinging is in full swing. Here are the Top 10 Bush Tax Proposals: 10. No estate tax for families with at least two U.S. presidents. 9. W-2 Form is now Dubya-2 Form. 8. Under the simplified tax code, your refund check goes directly to Halliburton. 7. The reduced earned income tax credit is so unfair, it just makes me want to tear out my lustrous, finely groomed hair. ...

September 22, 2004 · Amit Bahree

Dell Busy in India?

This is really funny and I am probably getting someone in trouble. I get pretty good logs for this blog, who gets on it from where, how long, etc. you know the drill. If your hold time with Dell Support (most of which is outsourced to India) is longer than normal then it is probably because of me *grin*. As you can see in the image below, seems like those guys are just too busy reading my blog and at last count had spend close an hour and a half here! You can click on the image to see the full size. ...

September 12, 2004 · Amit Bahree

Do we need Hotmail tips?

Anatoly has a pretty funny post to which I can totally relate. I login to my MSN account because of the various passport accounts and also messenger. If it was not for those service I would totally ditch Hotmail. Yahoo and GMail have so much user experience, though I gotta admit I love Outlook 2003 if you have not seen the new interface its worth a spin. ...

July 22, 2004 · Amit Bahree

This Land

My friend Wai pointed me to this and you will knock you socks off listening to it. Make sure your speakers are turned on and all the way up. :)

July 19, 2004 · Amit Bahree

Bush Speech

Found this of Karan’s post . Max Min (with way too much time on his/her hand) created IMHO an awesome Flash Application that can make George W Bush deliver a speech you always wanted to hear. Just type in an alphabet and pick one of the suggested words which later you can move around or delete. You can also save your creations and let others vote on it! ...

July 18, 2004 · Amit Bahree

How to tell you are American?

Not long ago, one of those earnest-freshman puppydogs on the Net declared that there was “no such thing as American culture.” Right. Fish have also been known to doubt the existence of water. The following is a first crack at an ostensive definition of ‘American culture’– things shared by the vast majority (let’s say 90%) of native-born Americans. Many of these won’t sound ‘cultural’ at all to Americans; they’ll sound like just descriptions of the way things are. But each one of them would be contested in one or more non-American cultures. ...

June 13, 2004 · Amit Bahree

Funny Pictures

Bill Gates Testimony This is seriously funny - IE Blues? Do you want to mess with the Admins now? Bush Hotmail ...

June 9, 2004 · Amit Bahree

DARPA is at it again

From the last time, when DARPA issued the grand challenge, the cameras were there, the million bucks were there (drool), the people were there, the hype were there and the robots were there. So what was missing? Well the Robots followed my example and forgot their “brains” and were half blind and stone dumb! So instead of learning from that and letting the existing teams push on they want to try LAGR. As I say, common sense is not very common! ...

May 12, 2004 · Amit Bahree

Visual Basic at the Movies

Quite funny check it out if you got the time. :) If you rate the movie, you can get a FREE copy of Visual Basic.NET

May 5, 2004 · Amit Bahree


If you have had enough of Clippy, check this out. Not suitable for those with an aversion to profanity!

May 3, 2004 · Amit Bahree

India's secret army of online ad "clickers"

Now this probably has to fall in the News of the Weird category, I would probably have fallen asleep, drooling on the computer, which would have caused something to short circuit and then blow up the machine, and eventually get the house on fire. Hence, not work losing your house over this.

May 3, 2004 · Amit Bahree

About Women...

Ladies reading this (are there any btw), I am just the messenger, so don’t shoot me. Per my dear friend Karan “…the thing about women is that they wont let u die they will keep u alive, in pain and agony, screaming and shouting, but wont let u fall over the edge…. “. He can be flamed here . ;) ...

April 25, 2004 · Amit Bahree

Dumb and dumber moments in Technology

The year is just getting started, and that can mean only one thing: It’s time to reflect on the most shameful, dishonest, and just plain stupid tech moments of 2003.

April 19, 2004 · Amit Bahree