Blockchain, blockchain, blockchain!
Dilbert says it nicely! :)
Excel runs the world
This video proves it; and it also shows that Clint is probably one of the best teachers out there! Love the passion! Now, go learn some Excel. :)
Three cheers for Agile!
(Hip hip Hooray!)3
Virtual Reality
Will be publishing a Virtual Reality (VR) point of view internally, and thinking of starting with this.
What is Love?
#Love is … staying friends throughout a holiday with no WiFi. ????
What If? Einstein would be proud!
Thought of the day
I’m exhausted. I spent all day saying “no” to my children and “yes” to my wife." ( source twitter )
Blessing of Health Wearables
Blessing of Health Wearables
Smart Homes and Internet of Things
Smart Homes (Again)
Thought of the day - cats and meow'ing!
Why did the cat meow? Because it’s a cat. Cats meow. (PS - I am not a cat guy, more of a dog guy)
Geek Haiku #2
(and also valid for the US Govt) *Ring* Hello, IT. *Sigh* Have you tried turning it Off and on again?
Thought of the Day
Don’t start an argument with a girl because they all have 4,30,50,194 GB memories and will bring up something you did at 14:27PM on 23/04/2008 (via ExtraGrumpyCat )
Geek Haiku #1
two words never heard in polite conversation Microsoft Vista
Exception of the day
Sigh, why do I get to see all the ‘interesting’ errors. Not sure what do I get to make of this. :)
Requirements - are they that important?
How to insult a developer?
Dilbert and Leadership
Enough said! Dilbert and Leadership
Don't ask your boss!
Can Microsoft win against this?
After seeing this, I think I also want the “Apple 5”; supposedly this lady is true and has been waiting in line for 2 days. {Credit: }
Had to post this!
Got this in one of the chain emails, and thought it was too funny to pass up. Thought of the day
Performance Reviews and Dilbert
We are going through your year-end process now at Avanade; perhaps I should have a word with my Boss first. :)
Developer, Designer, PM, QA, Client Matrix
Can you find yourself?
The reason I tweet
I can’t decide which one of the following reasons makes more sense. :)