Is it time to relook at Facebook again?

I still don’t get Facebook – despite being on it. If I want to talk to someone I will call them, email them, text them, meet them, have dinner with them - get the picture? I am quite worried about the security and privacy elements of it – or rather the lack of it. Those who know me well (anyone?) :-) know I was not always this paranoid but after attending a few Security courses – I cannot bury my head in the sand anymore. ...

January 6, 2010 · Amit Bahree

Thought of the day

Premature optimization is the root of all evil; on the other hand we cannot ignore efficiency. - Knuth and Bentley

December 17, 2009 · Amit Bahree

OneNote Screen Clipping

I have been using the Screen Clipping functionality for years in OneNote (if you don’t know what I am talking about then press the Win + S key – of course you need OneNote installed). It always copied it to OneNote, from where I would copy the image and paste it wherever needed. I did not know until today there is an option where you can select it to go to the clipboard as well. Duh! Why did I not think of checking this out sooner – bets me. ...

September 10, 2008 · Amit Bahree

Tried and failed to upgrade to CS 2008

As some of you noticed my blog either looked different for at some point recently or for a while it was not even available and it was all a terrible mess. As you might know I am running this on Community Server 2007 (CS 2007); CS 2008 was released some time back I thought maybe it is about time that I upgrade to that. Now you would think that it should be a painless process – boy how wrong one can be! ...

September 1, 2008 · Amit Bahree

Beware of Installing Vista SP1!!

If you got a fingerprint reader on your machine and are running Vista then think twice before installing SP1! About 7-8 months ago I got a new tablet ( Lenovo X61 ) which is a pretty sweet machine with Vista pre-installed and all was well until I installed SP1 and then the thing won’t even boot. I tried to get into safe mode but no luck; I tried repairing - but no luck. I got in the repair console and tried to manually “fix” the MBR, but not luck. 😲 In the end I was screwed - royally - especially as I did not have a backup. I did have my machine being backed up by WHS which is what I was hoping would save me (more on that later). ...

May 31, 2008 · Amit Bahree

Visio 2007 Rant

I have been seeing some unexpected application crashes with Visio 2007 and they usually happen when I close the application. I do have Office 2007 SP1 installed but that does not seem to have fixed any of them. The error seems to relate to one the COM add-ins but disabling that does not seem to resolve the problem. This particular error was a new one for me. After doing a lot of work on a Architecture document - when trying to save the document (for the first time) I see this error - not only is it not very inspiring but also scared the living daylights out of me. ...

April 2, 2008 · Amit Bahree

Thought of the day

Wise words from Jim (when teaching CDS ): “Keep it Sequential Stupid”

January 26, 2008 · Amit Bahree

Rotten Neighbors

I think we need something like Rotten Neighbors for the UK ! 😃 What is it? If you have a rotten neighbor then you can tell the world about them. You can browse to your neighborhood and plot your own marker with a complete description Here is an example from in the neighborhood where I use to live in California. ...

October 31, 2007 · Amit Bahree

Art of Code Reviewing

This is a true story and happened on one of my projects (which shall remain nameless). Below is the feedback from one of the client as they were doing our code reviews. Line 66: there seem to be a few too many words starting with “f” in the salutations comment. [This is really picky – the commenting standard in this file has otherwise been really good so far.] And incase you were wondering what was the code in question, here it is: ...

June 28, 2007 · Amit Bahree

MVP Threatened

This surely can not do any good? Jamie who created TestDriven.NET is involved in a legal dispute with Microsoft. This is not he Microsoft I know and work with on almost a daily basis! Hopefully common sense will kick in. On a separate note, Steve Jobs vs Bill Gates - who is the saint and who is cut-throat villain of Geekdom? Cult of Mac at Wired has an interesting read on the subject. ...

June 6, 2007 · Amit Bahree

Carbon Neutral - Be Greener

I am quite surprised on how ignorant many people (like I was) are about understanding how the day-to-day activities contribute to Global Warming and the issues we face on this planet. As much as we wishes, unfortunately there is no backup or Undo feature 👎. To understand how our daily lives contribute towards global warming check out the Carbon Calculator and then read up on how you can offset those emissions and be Carbon Neutral . ...

January 12, 2007 · Amit Bahree

Affect vs Effect

Yes, it is one of the simplest rules of grammar, but I still get confused - I call it Writers Block . Technically my mother-tongue is Hindi , and I can speak the “street version” of it and while I can read it - you honestly don’t want me to. The fact that most fellow Indians around at that time are in splits and rolling on the floor might give you a clue. Well I am not particularly proud of that, the fact remains I suck at Hindi and no matter of dressing can fix that. On the flip side, my English is quite strong and for the most part I can read and write it just fine, some of my spellings and grammar sure can do with a refresher (hey but Word helps). ...

October 22, 2006 · Amit Bahree

To BCC or not to BCC

Oh man, this is so perfect after my faux pas on the Diwali greeting, which accidentally was emailed with everyone in the “To” line as opposed to BCC. Needless to say, Meenakshi was pissed! To BCC or Not to BCC

October 20, 2006 · Amit Bahree

An Inconvenient Truth

It is quite unusual for me to blog about non-technical things (other than the usual crappy joke), but there are certain thing which have a profound affect on me and global warming is one of those. Maybe it is the fact that I have seen the shortages first hand while growing up in India (and back then things were better that now, and they are just going to get worse), or maybe I have seen such a huge cultural difference between the Europeans and the Americans (having lived both in California for many years and for a couple of years now in London), or maybe I am just getting old - I don’t know. ...

October 15, 2006 · Amit Bahree

How do you explain Relativity?

Put your hand on a hot stove for a minute, and it seems like an hour. Sit with a pretty girl for an hour, and it seems like a minute. THAT’S relativity. - Albert Einstein

March 8, 2006 · Amit Bahree

Blogging Engine

The software that one uses for blogging is interesting - if you are a “serious blogger“ (now there is an oxymoron), then you are tied to one platform or “engine“. What if you want to move from that, what do you do then? Either you give up your existing blog and move to the new one (in the process losing all your old posts, etc), or you somehow convert the data from one to the other. For example. right now I am running a modified version of .Text on my blog. Never really bothered to upgrade to Community Server 1.0 (CS), now that CS 2.0 is out , I am thinking of moving to that, but there is no official path to move my data from .Text to CS 2.0. I could try and move it to CS 1.0 and then from CS 2.0 - a process which seems quite clunky. Alternatively, I could write a took myself which does that, but then do I have the time? Another interesting option seems to be Logahead , which boasts of the first AJAX blogging and does seem to have a few cool features , has anyone taken it out for a spin? (You can play with the demo here .) The problem though remains the same, how do I move my existing data to that new “platform”. ...

February 26, 2006 · Amit Bahree

Turning OFF Comments

I have gotten so much spam using the comments that the only way for me to manage them is to turn them off. Yes I know there is an easy way to fix it where I ask for confirmation before a comment is posted but I have not had the time to change the code, test it and then upload it to the server. I might just upgrade to CS 2.o when it RTM’s. Till then continue using the the Contact page and mention the post in there as well. ...

February 1, 2006 · Amit Bahree

House Hunting!

We have just started to look for a house - why build someone else’s equity when you can build your own. I got to admit its a drag! And the fact we just started and people go on for months doing this, I don’t know how. It is just a big pain in the butt. My sympathies to all those going through the same thing. If you do know good areas in London where we can live please let me know? I need it to be close to Tube and preferably within Zone 2. ...

January 15, 2006 · Amit Bahree

Delhi Airport, Fog and Dilbert

I don’t know if I should laugh or be worried (when I fly into Delhi next month), but it seems the brand-spanking-new ILS landing system for Delhi Airport is not only setup correctly, there is no one trained to use it (yet), with some people in the government claiming success. It seems like a page out of Dilbert and seems like déjà vu when it comes to IT projects. ...

December 27, 2005 · Amit Bahree

How Microsoft changed the way it builds software with Vista

WSJ has a very interesting story on how Microsoft had to restart a lot of Vista features from a clean code base and throw away a lot of work done on existing windows code base over the years; and from my point of view, the fact that it took this long is surprising, but as they say better late than never. ...

September 25, 2005 · Amit Bahree

How to screw up your MCE?

Well on one lovely weekend when there were clear blue skies (big deal here in London), I thought what better way to spend the day then mess up the MCE and stay indoors all day to fix it. And how does one go about doing that? Well here is what I did and lessons learned (hopefully) :). Firstly, just because there is a new update for the BIOS don’t be compelled to update it (as I did), remember the age old advice, don’t fix it if it ain’t broken. So, when I update the BIOS, which of course was not required, Windows for some reason did not like that and it stopped booting up - I would get a blue screen. Could not even boot up in safe mode, and the recovery console did not help, so all in all the machine was hosed if I may say. ...

September 12, 2005 · Amit Bahree

ATM alert from LA County Sheriff's Department

I got this via a colleague of mine and thought I should spread the warning. I don’t forward chain letters, but send this link to other folks, what helps is the pictures, so you know what to look out for. UPDATE: Here is another story (by Guardian) send my a colleague which has pictures for the ATM for UK, where these scams have been around for the last couple of years. It is always good to see the pictures carefully and keep an eye out. ...

August 19, 2005 · Amit Bahree

Blogs and your Company?

This recent post on slashdot got me thinking again. As you may or may not be aware of I work for Avanade , a leading consulting company - a company to which I am fairly new and still learning about. We a few weeks ago, internally had a interesting debate about what a companies policies should be about letting their employees blog. This gets even more interesting, with all the interest with EntLibs - we built it after all and we would like to help other developers out there. As more and more employees are getting fired about writing work related stuff, what is the solution? Is it writing anonymously? Well I don’t think so. If you did want to write anonymously then write it in a notebook (not a laptop, but the old kind - you know paper and spiral binding and the likes), not online! But, I think your company should encourage blogging, if they don’t, then maybe its time to move on. I was happy to know after the end of our discussion, Avanade did not want to censor what I write, they value the freedom of expression of their employees and also their point of view. So while we have blogs internally, which I don’t know if we are ready to share publicly or setup public blogs like msdn , we don’t have a policy on blogging (yet I suppose). Having said that one must use common sense on blogging, e,g, I won’t blog about any financial information, or anything about our Assets such as ACA.NET , etc - nothing which is not publicly available on the website, or any customer details, etc. But every now and them you do come across something which falls in a gray area - in such cases it is always safe to err on the side of safety - if you are not sure ask your legal and HR department. So, what is your companies take on blogs? Is there a policy? Are they encouraged like at Avanade or are they ignored completely, in the hopes they go away? ...

April 9, 2005 · Amit Bahree

Still like NY?

I personally don’t like New York at all - especially New York city, it is a great place for a weekend, but that is it, I won’t live there for a million bucks! And this just makes it another reason on my “don’t like it” list. A telecommuter who lives out of state while working by computer for a New York employer must pay New York tax on his full income, the state’s highest court ruled Tuesday in a case that could have wide implications in the growing practice. The Court of Appeals said that computer programmer Thomas Huckaby who lives in Nashville, Tenn., owed New York income tax for his full salary, not just the time he spent working at his employer’s New York offices. Huckaby paid tax on about 25 percent of his income over two years for the time he spent working in New York state. But the court upheld a state tax department ruling that all his income should be taxed. That amounts to $4,387 plus interest. However, the ruling could lead to much greater income for the state as it is applied to the growing field of telecommuting. ...

March 30, 2005 · Amit Bahree

Find a Human!

How many times have you wished you had someone to talk to when the order you placed online is botched? I know I had this recently, when Amazon screwed up and I was waiting to talk to someone and in the end had to email a general customer service account and go back and forth on that many times before it was fixed - something that would take only a couple of minutes on the phone. So, if you can relate to me, here are two sites that might be of help. The first one is specially for Amazon and eBay and the second one has a few companies such as Dell, Apple, Visa, Mastercard, United, American Airlines, T-Mobile, AT&T Wireless, Sprint, etc. If you have any more information (numbers/links/etc) that you would like me to add here please let me know. ...

March 1, 2005 · Amit Bahree