AI generated Podcast for my book: Generative AI in Action 🎧

The one thing I wanted to do after my book Generative AI in Action was complete was to create a summary in natural speech and possibly use TTS (Text-to-speech) to create an audio summary—think of it as a podcast that is easier for people to consume and get a quick sense of what the book is about. TTS (Text to Speech) or not to TTS? Initially, I was inclined towards using TTS (Text to Speech) for the audio summary....

October 13, 2024 · Amit Bahree

🎉Announcing My New Book: Generative AI in Action📚

In today’s rapidly evolving tech world, mastering Generative AI isn’t just an advantage—it’s a necessity. Are you ready to harness its power to transform your business and solve real-world challenges? I’m excited to announce that my new book, Generative AI in Action, is now available in print and ebook formats from Manning Publications . 📖 Special Launch Offer 🌟 As a thank-you to my early supporters, I’m offering an exclusive discount....

September 16, 2024 · Amit Bahree

📚 My new book "Generative AI in Action"

🌐 As software continues to revolutionize the world, the advent of Generative AI is transforming the very fabric of software itself. My latest book, Generative AI in Action delves into this transformative journey. I am thrilled to announce the early release of my latest book, Generative AI in Action now available through Manning Early Access Program (MEAP) . This publication is a deep dive into the cutting-edge world of #GenerativeAI, #LLMs, #OpenAI, and #Azure #OpenAI, tailored specifically for enterprises....

November 14, 2023 · Amit Bahree

Large collection of Free eBooks from MS

Microsoft folks have released a large collection of free eBooks including Visual Studio, WP, Win 8, Office 365, SQL, Azure, CRM, etc. You can get more details from the following two posts where not only you can browse the catalogue but also download them. First post with free books Second post with free books Happy Leeching!

August 4, 2012 · Amit Bahree

Just the two of us

Read this story in the Guardian about a guy called Matt , who blogged about bringing up his daughter all alone, as his wife died soon after giving birth. This was such a heart stopping story, which is highly recommended. Interesting shift on the tone of the blog which first helped Matt with the bereavement and later gave him strength to cope with this to finally the blog providing support for others in a similar boat and looking for help....

April 10, 2011 · Amit Bahree

Free eBook on SQL Server 2008 R2

Microsoft is giving away a free eBook on SQL Server 2008 R2 for free. It gives you insight into exciting new implementations in the DB such as complex event processing (CEP) and StreamInsight. You can check out the Table of Contents here and download the book in either pdf format or xps format .

April 16, 2010 · Amit Bahree

My Book on Google Books

My Book on WCF is now available on Google Books - perfect for those of you who don’t want to buy the book to support a few starving authors 😜.

April 22, 2008 · Amit Bahree

P2P Programming with WCF and .NET v3.5

My article on P2P programming with WCF and .NET v3.5 was finally published on MSDN . This was written a few months ago and has been going through the internal process at MS to get published- finally it is up there - better late than never I guess. 😄 I discuss the new features for P2P programming in WCF and .NET 3.5 and how things have moved up the stack in being a first class managed citizen now as opposed to you....

March 6, 2008 · Amit Bahree

My book available on Books24x7

I was pleasantly surprised to see the appearance of my book, Pro WCF on Books24x7 today. Below is the screen shot from the email 😄 <p> <img src="images/image_thumb.png" alt="image"/> </p>

September 7, 2007 · Amit Bahree

Introduction to DSL - free chapter

You can download the first chapter for free from Addison-Wesley’s intro book on DSL . If you are new to DSL’s (Domain Specific Language) this this is a good read. Here is a abstract from the publisher: Domain-Specific Languages (DSLs)–languages geared to specific vertical or horizontal areas of interest–are generating growing excitement from software engineers and architects. DSLs bring new agility to the creation and evolution of software, allowing selected design aspects to be expressed in terms much closer to the system requirements than standard program code, significantly reducing development costs in large-scale projects and product lines....

June 29, 2007 · Amit Bahree

MSDN Webcast: Hosting Options, COM+ Integration & Peer to Peer model

One of the MSDN Webcasts that I along with Shawn, Dennis, and Chris did on the following topics with some samples from the WCF Pro book. This is a Level 300 Webcast, and there is a lot of material to cover! If you would like us to do a Webcast on any specific topic from WCF let us know - we will see what we can do. Hosting Options COM+ Integration Peer to Peer Model If you are interested you can see the recording for this session....

April 16, 2007 · Amit Bahree

MSDN Webcasts

I alongwith some of my co-authors are going to be hosting a couple of MSDN Webcasts next month - the details for both are listed below. Webcast 1 - “How to build an SOA application with WCF” Webcast 2 - “How WCF impacts on Enterprise scale applications”

March 24, 2007 · Amit Bahree

MSDN Article - Hosting and Consuming WCF Services

The first of three articles entitled “Hosting and Consuming WCF Services” which is essentially one of the chapters from the book is now published on MSDN at the . NET home page . The article directly can be found via this link . The other two should follow soon. Excellent job guys!

March 19, 2007 · Amit Bahree

Sample Chapter from the Book for Free

APress, the publisher of my book entitled &ldquo;Pro WCF: Practical Microsoft SOA Implementation&rdquo; is giving away the first Chapter for free - you can get it from here . The table of contents is also published and can be downloaded from here .

February 19, 2007 · Amit Bahree

Book Source-code online

Dennis earlier was responsible for collating the code from us for the book, and he just informed us it is available online! Sweet! You can get the code from here and have a play. You will of course need .NET 3.0 RTM and preferably Visual Studio 2005. It is good to see some reviews starting to come along, if you have any questions feel free to ping any of us and also let us know if you find any issues with the code - or the book if you need some help....

January 17, 2007 · Amit Bahree

Book might be out sooner

I think the WCF Book that I recently finished is out earlier than a week and should be available on Jan 15th instead of the 22nd, however Amazon still shows the availability of Jan 22nd.

December 20, 2006 · Amit Bahree

Table of Contents

A number of you have pinged me asking the Table of Contents (TOC) for the Book that I recently finished . I don’t know why it does not show up on Amazon or even on the publishers site , but here are a high level TOC. If you want the detailed TOC’s then let me know and I can dig those out as well. PART 1 Introducing Windows Communication Foundation...

December 8, 2006 · Amit Bahree

Book Finished

As some of you are aware the book I was writing titled Pro WCF: Practical Microsoft SOA Implementation is finally finished - w00t! It is right now being set and indexed and it will be off to the press in about three weeks or so. This is published by APress and it should be available by January 22nd - a little longer than usual because of the holiday season. It sure has been a very interesting experience for me....

November 29, 2006 · Amit Bahree

.NET 3.0 RTM?

NeoSmart highlights about the fact that there is a possibility that .NET 3.0 might RTM in a couple of months. What would this mean? Well a couple of things. One, hopefully MS has gotten their act together and stop making huge breaking changes in every public drop. While I understand that every CTP is still early in beta and with the nature of these things there will be changes, but you should see the number of breaking changes that are being made so late in the game....

August 8, 2006 · Amit Bahree

Introducing the Indigo Amigos!

You probably know that I am co-authoring a book along with a few other fellow Avanader’s and ex-Avanader’s who I call the Indigo Amigos. Who are these crazy people you ask? Brave enough to hang out with me. In addition to reading their names on APress or Amazon , but here are the links to their blogs/sites in ascending order: Aftab Chopra Chris Peiris Dennis Mulder Nishith Pathak Shawn Cicoria

August 1, 2006 · Amit Bahree

Book Feedback - The Connection Machine

I wanted to find out if anyone out there has read The Connection Machine - which essentially is a PhD thesis of the author’s (W. Danny Hillis) and seems to be something I would be interested in. The question I have is, has anyone read it and if so what do they think of it? And if you have it, can I borrow it to read it?

July 31, 2006 · Amit Bahree

My Book - Pro WCF

Well I suppose I can talk a little about it now - after all it seems like happening. For the last few months I and a few other colleagues of mine are writing a book on Indigo, now called WCF (Windows Communication Framework). I personally am quite fascinated by communication and all the challenges that brings to the table. The book is titled “Pro WCF: Practical Microsoft SOA Implementation” and will be released later this year....

June 26, 2006 · Amit Bahree

Book Feedback?

I have been eyeing the CLR via C#, Second Edition , I don’t have the first edition, can anyone comment on how good/bad would it be? Of course it will be published next month, and I suppose I can get more reviews then.

January 17, 2006 · Amit Bahree

Feedback on Books?

I have been thinking of a couple of books and would like to know if anyone actually have bought them and what their perspective on those are? Thanks to Murty for pointing out the CLR one…. Sockets, Shellcode, Porting, &amp; Coding: Reverse Engineering Exploits And Tool Coding For Security Professionals Customizing the Microsoft .NET Framework Common Language Runtime Has anyone used these? If so, what was your take on them?

April 19, 2005 · Amit Bahree

Debugging Indian Computer Programmers

Picked this story up on slashdot , so you might have already seen it there. Well I can speak of this first hand, though the write-up is intriguing, this is something I would get and read up and only then provide my perspective. Have any of you read this, if so what are your thoughts? <p> <img src="images/0975514008.01.THUMBZZZ.jpg" alt=""/> </p> The H1-B visa program allows many thousands of non-American technical workers (about half a million at the moment) to hold jobs in Silicon Valley and elsewhere in the U....

December 21, 2004 · Amit Bahree