Channel 9 has a number of free technical courses on a number of emerging MS technologies covering a wide range such as Azure , Win7 , Identity, SQL Server 2008 R2, Visual Studio 2010, .NET 4.0 , Silverlight 4 , MOSS 2010 , Office 2010 , etc.

These cover a number of the features and essentially have everything to get a developer quite comfortable with the stack. In some areas they go a little deep as well. I think its an excellent way to come up to speed.

Here is a quick example of the topics covered in some of the tracks:

  • Win7 – how to use the Taskbar, Multitouch, Ribbon, Sensors and Location, Session 0 Isolation, etc.
  • Azure – Azure Overview, Azure Storage, Deployment, SQL Azure, etc.
  • VS 2010 and .NET 4 – F#, ASP.NET 4, Parallel Computing, ALM, etc.