Today India celebrates its 60th independence from the British Raj - Happy Birthday! So 5 more years to retirement?
The BBC showed a very interesting documentary called “ Partition: The Day India Burned ” on the partition of India from the British colonial days in two states - India and Pakistan. I knew the partition was very painful with both my grandparents (maternal and paternal) having to move from Lahore (now in Pakistan) to India and the loss they had to entail - both financial and emotional. Over the years they had talked to me about it - but never in detail and watching this documentary brought tears to my eyes. Never has there been such a mass movement of refugees in the history of mankind - ever! One example which sticks to mind is the solid 50 mile long line of people - walking. If you can watch it I highly recommend the documentary.
The Guardian has been running some interesting stories about the two countries after 60 years and had their complete G2 pullout section dedicated to India. And with headlines such as “India is seen as a success story, while Pakistan is written off as a failed state and the hiding place of Osama bin Laden. What went wrong?” and “India: This is the best place in the world to be born right now?” make it an interesting read. The also cover what the neighbors think of India - both Pakistan and Bangladesh . They also have a story on the best and worst times from families across the social divide . And incase you were curious, no, they have not forgotten the cult of the sex goddess .
Guardian has more stories here .