If you have send an email to my work email address within the last week and you have not heard from me, chances are I did not get that email. I am one of the lucky guinea pigs, whose mailbox has been moved to Exchange 12 (officially now called Exchange 2007) where we are using it in production. There seems to be an issue (which we are investigating), where Exchange is kicking back emails saying something along the lines of:

> Returned mail: see transcript for details  
> The following recipient(s) could not be reached:  
> You do not have permission to send to this recipient.  For assistance, contact your system administrator.  
> < imbaspam-ss02.namdmz.dmzroot.net #5.7.1 SMTP; 550 5.7.1 spam access denied; ip xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx; see bl.spamcop.net>

If so, then you might want to resend that to me. On the other hand, if you send me an email to my personal account and have not heard, then I have just been ignoring you ;)