There has been a number of interesting things I have started noticing lately. With the whole recent virus fiasco I changed my IE security setting to High - which lead to almost every site I visited on any regular basis to crap out (which sucks and is a big failure on people like me who help design and implement some of these systems, but that is another story for another day). To my surprise I got an error saying that gmail used and ActiveX control and would not work without that. Very Interesting, because for those who come from the good old world of COM, would know that an ActiveX control is really nothing but a lightweight COM control, and why would Google, which to the best of my knowledge does not use any MS technologies need that? Check out a screen shot if you want.
This also brings up an interesting point that Karan raises which I never thought about till now on why would a company like Google use Microsoft technologies? Goes both to Orkut as Karan talks about it and also on gmail. Does this mean that Google has multiple code-bases for gmail?
What do you think?