Wipro hit $60m with back taxes

Though I have never worked for (or at) a “big” Indian software company this is interesting as more and more Indian companies are taking a shelter under various US tax schemes. I am no tax expert and am not sure the legality of this, but this could be a huge “profit” for the Indian companies if it is upheld in court. Does invite the question, do they pass this onto the average joe working their butts off? ...

April 4, 2004 · Amit Bahree

India's Shining Brains

I did not know this, but the dean of Kellogg School of business is of Indian origin. I think it’s pretty cool. Check out the story here .

April 2, 2004 · Amit Bahree


A bunch of my friends asked me, what is all the “gibberish” on the test posts that I had submitted to ensure that everything works. I was quite surprised to hear these - especially these are friends who are into custom development on various platforms and technologies. The thought that they have never seen this “gibberish” was quite astounding. So, the “gibberish”, is basically Lorem Ipsum which is sample or dummy text originally of the printing and typesetting industry, but now is used by the Information Architects in all product companies (that I know of). I did not know this, but Lorem Ipsum is from the 1500’s and is not just random text (or gibberish if you prefer that). On the contrary, it has roots in a piece of classical Latin literature from 45 BC, making it over 2000 years old. ...

April 1, 2004 · Amit Bahree

The Singhsons

A good friend, pointed me to the “The Singhsons” found here who are right out hilarious! I just fell out of my chair laughing. There is sound so be careful if you are listening to this at work. The first person I could think of while seeing this is my dear friend Karan - and I think that is a compliment. *grin* You can read Karan’s blog here . ...

April 1, 2004 · Amit Bahree

"Windows XP Box"

These guys show you how to fit a fully functional PC based on a VIA M10000 EPIA board . They went onto fit it into a Red Hat box and then using a sensor told the boot-loader which OS to run based on which box it is in. Now thats cool! Also check out the other neat projects they have done. ...

March 30, 2004 · Amit Bahree

Amit Bahree