About Women...

Ladies reading this (are there any btw), I am just the messenger, so don’t shoot me. Per my dear friend Karan “…the thing about women is that they wont let u die they will keep u alive, in pain and agony, screaming and shouting, but wont let u fall over the edge…. “. He can be flamed here . ;) ...

April 25, 2004 · Amit Bahree

Resource Management in .NET

Here is a very old post I found lying around on my disk by Brian Harry, he was the Product Manager of the CLR team at Microsoft (he might still be, I just don’t know). This is a long and very interesting read on the issue of resource management and the deterministic finalization of .NET. Brian provides the backgorund so most people (who were flaming MS at that time), understand that this is really a hard problem to solve. Happy Reading…. ...

April 25, 2004 · Amit Bahree

Avalon Introduction (XAML)

Here are some excerpts from my slide deck on XAML. If you need to see the complete powerpoint, let me know and I can either mail it to you or upload it here. If you don’t know, XAML is the new Extensible Application markup language that is part of Longhorn. If you have the PDC bits you should be able to run these. I am skipping on most of the details of the controls, probably will post that some other day. ...

April 21, 2004 · Amit Bahree

PDC Xaml Demo

This is probably stupid (and old news now), but if you saw the xaml demo during the PDC of Avalon (presented by Don Box I think), here is the code to reproduce that sample. Please note that you would need to change the source tag in the Video class to a path that makes more sense for you. Also, as always, please use common sense when running this. Don’t flame me if something blows up. :) ...

April 21, 2004 · Amit Bahree

IT Manager Game - Simulation of an IT department

First of all here are the sys. requirements: Macromedia Flash Player 6 r79 IE 6 compatible browser with Javascript enabled The IT manager - overworked and underappreciated. You know the story. Back in school, always the last to be picked for football, but the first one they ran to when they accidentally deleted a homework assignment. Not much has changed since then. But the fact is it takes a special skill set to manage an IT department. As IT manager you need to monitor industry trends and administer mission-critical resources for an entire company. At the same time, you have to manage increasingly tighter budgets - finding ways to do more with less - and possess the people skills to oversee staff and run interference with top decision makers. ...

April 20, 2004 · Amit Bahree

Dumb and dumber moments in Technology

The year is just getting started, and that can mean only one thing: It’s time to reflect on the most shameful, dishonest, and just plain stupid tech moments of 2003.

April 19, 2004 · Amit Bahree

Humans are "Failure Machines"

I forget where I read this recently, but it stuck to me. Humans are failure machines, we are not success machines. We fail all the time and almost all the things. And it is only through this “weeding” process we get the feedback for the failures and learn how to correct them and then do better. Well … at least the smart ones learn to how to correct them.

April 19, 2004 · Amit Bahree

Running .NET on a J2EE App. Server

Yes it is true and it is very cool! Mainsoft has a product called Visual MainWin for both J2EE and Unix and Linux platforms. You can have your ASP.NET applications (using ADO.NET) deployed on a single J2EE platform. Please note, this is not really “calling” any web services that are running on Java. How does it work? Well for one you can check out this flash movie (and it surely is amazing!). But basically they wrote an IL compiler that takes the IL generated by .NET app (i.e. ASP.NET in this case) and converts it to Java bytecode which then is run “natively” on a J2EE platform. ...

April 14, 2004 · Amit Bahree

Digger on Smartphone - W00t!

Unfortunately, I am not one of the lucky guys with a smartphone, but for those who do have one, Lutz Roeder, released the code and the binaries for Digger (a copy of Dig-dug from the good ol Dos days) for the Smartphone. It needs the Smartphone 2003 and .NET CF.

April 13, 2004 · Amit Bahree

Is it me or .NET?

Incase you did not know, but this blog runs on .Text with minor tweaks to the code. When I run this in the W3C Validator , I get 61 (wow!) errors back. If you examine the results of the validator some interesting things emerge. Here is a listing of the issues I found: ...

April 13, 2004 · Amit Bahree

VS.NET Fun Facts

If you use VS.NET then you must read the fun facts to get the most out of the IDE. This is not new, but had forgotten about it, till I stumbled upon it again recently.

April 13, 2004 · Amit Bahree

Google and Numbers

Though, this has been possible by google for a bit, most people did not know all the power of google. Here are some of the things you can do: Area Code Maps Package Tracking ( FedEx , UPS, USPS) Flight Tracking Info Vehicle Info Patent Search FAA Plane Registration UPC Codes [FCC Equipment IDs]( http://www.google.com/search?q=fcc B4Z-34009-PIR) There is also a calculator which in addition to the simple things (such as addition, multiplications, etc) can also calculate the sqrt, trigonometric functions (sin, cos, etc.), ln (logarithm base e), log (logarithm base 10), factorial, etc. Want to see some binary multiplication ? ...

April 11, 2004 · Amit Bahree

Personalize input system, is it possible?

Ergodex has made what it dubs as the “ The World’s First Totally Personalizable Input System ”. They have a pad with a sticky surface that connects via usb to a computer. You can then stick the keys to the surface as you like. You can “record” macros and assign them to keys and can be executed at one touch. ...

April 11, 2004 · Amit Bahree


The first computer designed and produced in India is now for sale in the country. The Simputer has been developed by scientists and engineers at the Institute of Science in Bangalore. The handheld device was built to help people to afford to have their own computer and access the internet. It comes in three versions and can be used to surf the web and send e-mails. The basic model has a 206Mhz processor, 64MB of memory and uses the Linux operating system. The price will be around €190. ...

April 11, 2004 · Amit Bahree

Does one need to "promote" offshoring?

Mercury News is running a story on how India’s second-largest software company, Infosys Technologies, announced Thursday that it is expanding operations in Fremont with a new management-consulting subsidiary to advise technology companies on shipping software-development work offshore. My question is, do they need to promote offshoring? Isn’t there enough action on the offshoring front?

April 9, 2004 · Amit Bahree

Microsoft clipping Longhorn

Waaah… so Microsoft is clipping Longhorn and pushing out the release. There have also been rumours of pushing WinFS to Blackcomb (which would be the server version of Longhorn). Also. some rumours of a new version XP which would have a newer version of Media Player with a built-in online shopping piece akin to iTunes. When Longhorn does ship (as of now in 2006), it would be the biggest gap in Microsoft’s history between OS releases - almost half a decade, that in the IT world is an era. ...

April 9, 2004 · Amit Bahree

Microsoft source code release not an accident

Interesting article on GMSV. Typically, the only way to get a good look at Microsoft’s source code was via leak or the company’s “Shared Source” program. No longer. On Monday, Microsoft released some of its code (the Windows Installer Xml (WiX) toolset ) under an open-source license, and posted it on SourceForge . Rob Mensching, the Microsoft employee behind the unprecedented code release, commented on it in a post to his Web log. “After four and a half years of part-time development, the WiX design (and most of the code) matured to a point where I was comfortable trying to release it externally,” Mensching explained . “So, last October I started looking for a means to release not only the tools but the source code as well. I thought GotDotNet was the place. However, at that time, none of the existing Shared Source licenses were flexible enough to accept contributions from the community. Then, in February, I was introduced to Stephen Walli who was also working to improve Microsoft’s relationship with the Open Source community. Fortunately, Stephen was much farther along than I and had the step-by-step plan how to release an Open Source project from Microsoft using an approved OSS license. Today, via WiX on SourceForge, you get to see the results of many people’s efforts to improve Microsoft from the inside out. I’m not exactly sure what is going to happen next but I’m sure there are quite a few people who are interested to see where this leads. Personally, all I hope is that if you find the WiX toolset useful then you’ll join the community and help us improve the toolset.” ...

April 9, 2004 · Amit Bahree

This is broken

This Is Broken , run by Mark Hurst , in my opinion has an excellent way to popularise the customer experience on the web. Not only is it “lmao“ funny, but it also tells you which products and companies to avoid! Kudos to Mark!

April 9, 2004 · Amit Bahree

U.S. Outsources Obesity To India

Supersizing Rampant in Bangalore The United States is rapidly outsourcing obesity to India and hopes to shed as many as three trillion pounds of unsightly cellulite annually, President George W. Bush announced today. In a speech to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce in Milwaukee, the President said that since most of the millions of jobs outsourced since he was elected President were extremely sedentary, “Those jobs are now making the people of India fat instead of us.” ...

April 9, 2004 · Amit Bahree

IBM to buy India's third largest backoffice company

I think it is time to move back to India now. :) Here is an excerpt “…IBM, the world’s largest IT company, on Wednesday said it would acquire the country’s third largest BPO outfit, Daksh eServices, to add skills in strategic areas. Though IBM did not reveal the deal size, industry sources put the deal at Rs 700 crore (around $150 million), which is almost two-and-a-half times Daksh’s revenues for 2003-04.” ...

April 7, 2004 · Amit Bahree

Windows is not the most important OS

Wow, now that is big - especially from me :). But I agree with Bill Hill on this one. BTW, this from slashdot, Microsoft quietly launched Channel 9 , a blog/discussion forum aimed at improving communication with outside developers, on Tuesday. Named for the audio channel that many airlines use to let passengers listen in on crew conversations during flight, Channel 9’s creators state the following in a welcoming message: ‘Five of us in Redmond are crazy enough to think we just might learn something from getting to know each other…Join in, and have a look inside our cockpit and help us fly the plane. ...

April 7, 2004 · Amit Bahree

WinFX Reference

WinFX is the next generation of the API Library that is going to be part of Longhorn and would be replacing Win32 as we know it today. There is an excellent reference that covers Whidbey, Longhorn and Yukon for it that can be found here .

April 7, 2004 · Amit Bahree

The Blackout

For those of us who were lucky enough to be stuck in the Blackout of 2003, the Power System Outage task force has released their report with the causes and the resolutions. If you did not know about the Blackout, here is an excerpt from the report “ … on August 14, 2003, large portions of the Midwest and Northeast United States and Ontario, Canada, experienced an electric power blackout. The outage affected an area with an estimated 50 million people and 61,800 megawatts (MW) of electric load in the states of Ohio, Michigan, Pennsylvania, New York, Vermont, Massachusetts, Connecticut, New Jersey and the Canadian province of Ontario. The blackout began a few minutes after 4:00 pm Eastern Daylight Time and power was not restored for 4 days in some parts of the United States. Parts of Ontario suffered rolling blackouts for more than a week before full power was restored. Estimates of total costs in the United States range between $4 billion and $10 billion (U.S. dollars). In Canada, gross domestic product was down 0.7% in August, there was a net loss of 18.9 million work hours, and manufacturing shipments in Ontario were down $2.3 billion (Canadian dollars)…” ...

April 6, 2004 · Amit Bahree

What is in a Name?

Many people have come to me asking what the heck does the Blog name mean? I have the same as my handle on MSN Messenger also and I get the same question there. For the non-techy folks, it is quite interesting that the first thing that comes to their mind is that there is a virus. Hmm, have we rooted this fear so deeply in them now? If so then probably we have failed, but thats another story. Anyways, if you read carefully my handle reads IUnkown [Deprecated]. ...

April 6, 2004 · Amit Bahree

Feeling competitive heat, rivals decided to chill

Ah, good to see that those “sun” guys are finally coming to their senses, and evolving from the dark side. May the force be with them! Now, which is the next company that Microsoft should save? Maybe the one run by this unintellectual (gotta be PC you see) called Larry Ellison. ;)

April 4, 2004 · Amit Bahree