Thought for the day!

Idiots are wonderful, no wonder every village want one. :)

June 16, 2006 · Amit Bahree

Vista's Address Space Layout Randomizer

Shipping with Vista Beta 2, there is a new security feature called Address Space Layout Randomization (a.k.a ASLR); other than being a mouthful, this helps defend against buffer overrun exploits. It does this by moving the entry points into the system dll’s around randomly in memory. Its all about odd, and there are 256 locations it can be loaded in, or in other words there is a 1/256 chance of getting the address correct. This will help make the attacks such as return-to-libc (which start with a buffer overflow) harder. This of course is not a replacement for writing poor code or fixing the actual overruns found, but it would certainly go a long way in reducing automated attacks that use this exploit. ...

June 14, 2006 · Amit Bahree

Watching World Cup in ASCII

telnet to “ 2006” (without the quotes of course), 10 minutes before kick off and you should find a live “video” stream. (from the inquirer ).

June 14, 2006 · Amit Bahree

.NET 3.0 (and its new site)

You might have heard that Microsoft has “renamed” WinFX to .NET 3.0 and all the hoopla that created. So, effectively .NET 3.0 will be .NET 2.0 + WinFX. Hmm, given that WinFX is part of Vista (albeit some bits ported back for XP), what happens if I want to install it on Windows 2000, is that still supported? And so when the “real” new version of the CLR ships, would that be called .NET 4.0? Hmm… ...

June 13, 2006 · Amit Bahree

Have I been ignoring your emails?

If you have send an email to my work email address within the last week and you have not heard from me, chances are I did not get that email. I am one of the lucky guinea pigs, whose mailbox has been moved to Exchange 12 (officially now called Exchange 2007) where we are using it in production. There seems to be an issue (which we are investigating), where Exchange is kicking back emails saying something along the lines of: ...

June 13, 2006 · Amit Bahree

Office 12 Beta 2 now available

If you are part of the Office 12, you might have already received the email detailing that Office 12 is out at . On the other hand, it is also available on MSDN if you have Universal Subscription. If you don’t have either, seems like Microsoft has opened the beta to more people, and you can get the beta 2 (which will run till Jan 07) from here . ...

May 24, 2006 · Amit Bahree

Amex Trojan - Beware

If you use American Express, then beware there is a Trojan going around that asks for secure information when when logged into Amex’s secure site. Amex has provided a screen shot of what it looks like, check it out so you know in case you see it. You can read more on this at eweek here . ...

May 22, 2006 · Amit Bahree

Where the heck am I?

Well lots of stuff happening in life and as a result this is on the back burner. Firstly we bought a place and moved last weekend, so last few weeks have been just awfully busy with that. Also started a new project in the last few weeks and that has kept me busy as well. Some more stuff happening, which hopefully I can talk about some day. But all in all, next few weeks, I am going to be snowed under again, and you should hear from me eventually. 😄 ...

May 17, 2006 · Amit Bahree

Letter to Pakistani people

Thanks to Rohit for sending me this - I have been just too busy (as you can probably tell), to even blog about this. There is an awesome letter to the Pakistani people (from Indian bloggers) , which is worth a read! If you have not been involved or know some of the Indian culture, you might not get the full context, but still worth a shot. :) ...

May 16, 2006 · Amit Bahree

The Wall of Ribbons

I was looking at something else, and stumbled across the wall of Ribbons , pretty interesting. :)

May 4, 2006 · Amit Bahree

Can an airline get good food?

Yes at least one of them can, called Jet Airways . I have flown them recently and was pleasantly surprised with the excellent quality of service and food - even in Cattle class. Guardian also seems to agree with me. :) On the other than, their website , well thats another matter. ...

April 24, 2006 · Amit Bahree

Common Sense ain't Common

An Oregon man who went to a hospital complaining of a headache was found to have 12 nails embedded in his skull from a suicide attempt with a nail gun, doctors say. You can read the story here ; I think its the Bush effect ;)

April 23, 2006 · Amit Bahree

Dell Desktop for £385K!

Are you sure you want to get a Dell machine for £385K? That is more expensive than most houses! And it only has one gig of memory. Oh it had two, I could think about it ;). You can click on the images below to see them in full size. ...

April 23, 2006 · Amit Bahree

SQL 05 SP1 Released

Believe it or not, approximately 5 months are SQL 05 went RTM, Microsoft has released the first service pack for that which includes the database mirroring functionality. You can get a list here of all the things fixed and the press release here . I have not tried this myself yet, so cannot comment, but I wonder if it would cause any issues to BizTalk and SharePoint among other things. I’ll post any issues I find over the next few days here. ...

April 20, 2006 · Amit Bahree

Boot Camp Issues

So, if you rejoiced with the release of Boot Camp and were now going to head out and buy a Mac, then hold on a minute. Many users have reported a serious issue with the beta version of Boot Camp, where they have not been able to switch back to OS X and are stuck running Windows. Now, if you are anything like me, you won’t see anything wrong with that, but if you are not like me, then you would need to do a complete reinstall of OS X to get around this. Quite a few number of people are pissed out there because of this. ...

April 15, 2006 · Amit Bahree

Google Calendar - just what I was looking for

I have had an issue for a while - how to share calendars with Meenakshi and the rest of the family in an easy way. Right now my primary calendar is in Exchange at work, and that is fine for work related items, but tracking and sharing personal items was not possible. Right now, I mark them as Private in Exchange so my colleagues can see that I am busy then, but cannot see the details. And the personal events when added, Meenakshi gets an invite, but if she wants to send me an invite (or look at when I am busy or free), then that is not possible. We exchange a number of emails or IM’s before finding out what a suitable time is. This gets more interesting, when other friends and family want to know when are we free or busy for say a theater show or dinner. ...

April 15, 2006 · Amit Bahree

Need a NAS

I currently have two small NAS’s - Ximeta’s NetDisk (120 GB) which have been running well without any issues (except a little slowly when there is a lot of traffic), but I am getting close to exhausting that space and was looking for something beefier. A couple of options that do seem very promising. One is the Buffalo Tera Station , which while I know a few people have used this and are happy with it, my issue being I cannot upgrade the drives as easily. This is where Infrant’s ReadyNAS NV comes in the picture. Not only can this support 2 TB of data, but the drives are hot-swappable, how sweet is that. PC Mag also has a good review of the product. The built-in OS which controls this is called RAIDiator and if you read the features , it does seem quite capable. ...

April 15, 2006 · Amit Bahree

Looking for a Linux distro?

Not sure which Linux distro to use, well, then check this out - if my calculations are correct there are 234 different distros available - wow! If you still cannot make up your mind then just run Windows! :)

April 3, 2006 · Amit Bahree

Spam Cube - is it for real?

I first read about the Spam Cube , in the paper a few days ago , and was intrigued by what it offers. But at the same time I am skeptical, it seems to be promising a lot – and like many similar attempts before this have failed. There is a limitation of four computers , but then they mention you can use up to six , so not sure that the limitation is and why - though I can possibly speculate its probably how fast it can process stuff. ...

April 2, 2006 · Amit Bahree

What can you find about me on the web?

Well if you look at this search , you can see the kind of information that you can find about me on the web, what do you think? :)

April 2, 2006 · Amit Bahree

Rotor 2.0 Build Out

If you have had the pleasure of playing with Rotor in the past then you would be glad to know that MS recently released the version 2.0 of Rotor. This of course is officially called “Shared Source Common Language Infrastructure” and can be downloaded from here . Don’t let the 21.6 mb download fool you, when you extract it and build it you need over a gig of space (mine currently is just a tad under 1.4 gb). If you want to understand the CLR and how it performs Rotor is the best way to go about it. ...

March 29, 2006 · Amit Bahree

Got $10K to spare?

If so, I need to be your new best-friend, but other than that, you can splurge on a Quad-Graphics Dell Renegade PC , which has the name says has four nVidia’s GeForce 7900 GTX - drool!

March 28, 2006 · Amit Bahree

Sharepoint v3 Installation Fails

I was trying to setup Sharepoint “v3” which is part of Office 2007; the Beta 1 Technical Refresh installs without a problem, but when I try and configure Sharepoint it fails in Step 2 and I get the error shown below. You can click on the image to see the full size. However, when I trawl through the log file, I did find a few exceptions, a couple of which are listed below. The only reason the font is small on those is so it would fit and render fine in here. You can copy and paste that in notepad or something and see if in a bigger font; alternatively you can download the log file (see the end of this posting). ...

March 28, 2006 · Amit Bahree

HTC Wizard vs. HTC Hermes

Engadget has a comparison of the HTC Wizard and the new HTC Hermes which should be coming out soon.

March 20, 2006 · Amit Bahree

Can you read this?

cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn’t mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Amzanig huh? yaeh and I awlyas tghuhot slpeling was ipmorantt! ...

March 17, 2006 · Amit Bahree