Upgraded to CS 2.1 SP1

I finally upgraded the blog to Community Server 2.1 SP1 today - its been out for a little while but did not get the time to upgrade till now. Everything seems to be running fine, but if you find something broken then let me know. The next version of CS , does have lots of code-names, but I don’t know what to make of it. It is supposed to be out sometime in Q1 07. ...

December 2, 2006 · Amit Bahree

William Laughing

Update: Meenakshi has been bossing me around (as usual) to update this post. It might help if she actually started blogging herself instead. (If you don’t see another post here, that might be because I have had a few broken bones) Meenakshi got this video attached to one of the spam emails. William is very cute, and though the sounds his dad makes aren’t quite that funny, William of course disagrees. ...

December 1, 2006 · Amit Bahree

Book Finished

As some of you are aware the book I was writing titled Pro WCF: Practical Microsoft SOA Implementation is finally finished - w00t! It is right now being set and indexed and it will be off to the press in about three weeks or so. This is published by APress and it should be available by January 22nd - a little longer than usual because of the holiday season. ...

November 29, 2006 · Amit Bahree

Mounting ISO's in Vista (x32 and x64)

Mounting ISO’s in Vista x32 is not an issue, most of the XP tools would work. In some cases you might have to run them as Admin, but there are not major issues. I have been using the old XP Virtual CD Control Panel from Microsoft which you can find more details on MSDN download section. However if you are running Vista x64 like I am then that is a little different matter. One option that has worked and I would recommend is getting the Daemon Tools version 4.08 x64 which work absolutely fine. You can download that from here (make sure you select the x64 bits and not the x32). ...

November 29, 2006 · Amit Bahree

Aero is an Acronym?

Did you know that all the cool Aero GUI that everyone is talking about in Vista is actually an acronym? It stands for “Authentic, Energetic, Reflective and Open” - whatever that means. 😉

November 27, 2006 · Amit Bahree

Dell 1815n Network Scan

I recently bought a new Multi-function printer at home - a Dell 1815dn and it works great. I am quite impressed with the speed and quality - both of which are fine for home use. This can also scan documents and send it to a machine on the network and that was one of the features that was very useful at home, but the Windows Firewall did not like it and would block the incoming request. To allow the Network Scan to work you need to open up the UDP Port 1054 on your firewall to allow this. ...

November 27, 2006 · Amit Bahree

Disabling Vista x64 Driver Signing

If you are like me and are running Vista x64 and are having some driver issues and would like to use the XP x64 drivers in Vista, but cannot because Vista expects the drivers to be signed, well then you can disable that. Disclaimer: please use common sense and back up your data and don’t blame me if this breaks stuff. Note 2: Using signed drivers is the recommended practice! I would resort to this only as a desperate measure (till all the drivers are released) or if you want to use it in a development scenario. ...

November 27, 2006 · Amit Bahree

Flash player and 64 Bit

I am finding all kinds of interesting bits and bobs now that the primary OS I am running is x64 bit. For example did you know that Flash Player does not have a x64 bit implementation? Believe me, less Ads for me to see on pages and you don’t see me shedding any tears! Here is what I get when I tried to install Flash on IE 7 x64: Flash Player is not supported for playback in a 64-bit browser. ...

November 27, 2006 · Amit Bahree

Vista is available on MSDN!

Vista x32 is available on MSDN - go get it! 😄 Update: Here is a screen shot:

November 16, 2006 · Amit Bahree

Vista is here (kind of)

Still trickling down …. just another few hours to go.

November 16, 2006 · Amit Bahree

Canadian Idiot

I love the pun on the US in this - awesome. :)

November 14, 2006 · Amit Bahree


November 14, 2006 · Amit Bahree

Getting Google / YouTube Videos working with CS

If you are running Community Server (CS) like this blog and you would like to get Google or YouTube videos in your posts ( like this ), then you need to add the following setting in your section of the communityserver.config file. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 <embed style="true" type="true" src="true" quality="true" bgcolor="true" scale="true" wmode="true" salign="true" FlashVars="true" width="true" height="true" /> <object width="true" height="true" /> <param name="true" value="true" /> (via Chris Hammond’s post ) ...

November 14, 2006 · Amit Bahree


Did you know there is a new method called DragMove which is part of the Window class and allows you to move the window using a mouse? I certainly did not - till now. This is part of .NET 3.0, specifically part of WPF and . Here is an example from the SDK: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 protected override void OnMouseLeftButtonDown(MouseButtonEventArgs e) { base.OnMouseLeftButtonDown(e); // Begin dragging the window this.DragMove(); }

November 13, 2006 · Amit Bahree

Is he dead?

Nope, you ain’t that lucky - I am alive and kicking and just have been quite busy lately (or for a change as some of you might say). Between starting a new project and traveling (with very limited access to emails and the Internet), getting the final chapters and code samples for the book out the door and have friends and relatives over from abroad, does not leave me any time for blogging. ...

November 13, 2006 · Amit Bahree

WCF Timeouts

Nope it is not 1 minute or even 60 seconds rather is 59.9990235 seconds

November 13, 2006 · Amit Bahree

Digg in 3D

This certainly has to excite your geek molecules - digg in 3D (use your mouse to navigate around) ( Thanks to Chris for the link)

November 6, 2006 · Amit Bahree

Not happy with WGA? Enter OGA

I don’t think there were many fans of Windows Genuine Advantage, needless to say there would be fans for Office Genuine Advantage .

November 2, 2006 · Amit Bahree

Win CE 6 released with complete Kernel source code

Yep its true, Win CE 6 is released with lots of new features and Microsoft has released the complete (that is 100%) of the Kernel source code and legal - check it out .

November 2, 2006 · Amit Bahree

Think you can manages these?

If you thought you had a thing managing logistics - well then check this out and see how you fare! (Thanks to Meenakshi for the link)

November 1, 2006 · Amit Bahree

Google Server Error

This is the first for me - google server error while searching. You can click on the image to see the full version.

October 31, 2006 · Amit Bahree

White, nerdy, fluent in JavaScript and Klingon

You need to turn up the volume and listen to the words - awesome

October 28, 2006 · Amit Bahree

Dell express upgrade to Vista

If you buy a en eligible Dell on or after October 26th you can upgrade to Vista. Check out Upgrade Express Site and http://www.dellvistaupgrade.com/ and for more details.

October 27, 2006 · Amit Bahree

Who am I

 What do you know, Vista finally has a whoami.exe - you do know the whoami from Unix/Linux, right? Type in “whoami” (without the quotes of course) in a command prompt to launch this. It shows you all the user and group information in addition to SID details, privileges access tokens, etc. Pretty cool and handy especially when trying to debug applications and security related issues. Below is a screen-shot of the output of this dumped to a text file (click the image to see it in full size). ...

October 26, 2006 · Amit Bahree

Banks and Technology?

Yes, they are like Military Intelligence - an oxymoron. And HSBC is not too off as well by locking out accounts of users running on NetSurf (which incase you did not know is an opensource browser for RISC OS platform). See I keep saying, common Sense ain’t very common. ...

October 24, 2006 · Amit Bahree