Linux Hater blog

I was looking for something else and came across the Linux Hater Blog . I am not a Linux hater (am writing this on Ubuntu). Some people might think this is funny, but there is a dark undercurrent running in the posts. I honestly stopped reading after a couple of posts. I don’t know why is there so much hate against Linux in this blog. ...

November 26, 2009 · Amit Bahree

Suggestions on how best to configure Permalink Settings?

Any suggestions how best to configure the Permalink settings in WordPress? I still need to fix all my old links from this blog when it was running on Community Server 2007. CS 2007 use to use something like /archive/year/month/day/unique-id. Is that the best way to go now as well or are there better and more flexible options? Also I tried using the %tag% field, but it does not like it and had to revert to using %categories% as you probably can see. Again, any suggestions there? ...

November 26, 2009 · Amit Bahree

Add-in recommendation for displaying code in a post?

I searched and found a lot of Wordpress addins/widgets for displaying code in a post and was wondering if there are any recommendations? I need to be able to show XML, C++, C, C# primarily. F# and Haskell would be nice but not essential. Update: Also should be able to use Windows Live Writer when posting the code. Am I asking for too much here? :) ...

November 23, 2009 · Amit Bahree

Goodbye Community Server; Hello WordPress

After thinking about it for a long time and then wanting to do it for probably an even longer time, I have finally moved this blog to WordPress from Community Server. Overall the move was mostly painless and did not have to write any code to move the posts and tags over which was excellent. I would have loved to write some code to do that, but I don’t have much bandwidth these days so anything I could use (as a user) without writing code or customizing is just great. ...

November 22, 2009 · Amit Bahree

Installing OpenSceneGraph on Ubuntu

If you use the Synaptic Package Manager in Ubuntu 9.04 to install OpenSceneGraph, by default it will install version 2.4.x. However if you want to install OpenSceneGraph 2.8.1 then you need to do the following in a terminal: Modify the file /etc/apt/sources.list (make sure you run it via sudo something like: sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list) Add the following two lines in the end and save the file: deb ./ deb-src ./ Run in the terminal: sudo apt-get update ...

October 25, 2009 · Amit Bahree

Time to ditch CS 2007 nearer?

I have said it in the past about me moving away from CS to WordPress . I just stumbled across this post from Scott who has done exactly the same thing. So maybe the time to ditch CS is coming near. I just need some free time to try this. ...

August 24, 2009 · Amit Bahree

Pure breed Fauji kid?

Got this via Megha and it is absolutely brilliant – ah the memories it brings back. I first though of adding links for the “bloody civvies” who don’t get this – but changed my mind as it is not meant for them. :) You know you are a pure breed fauji kid if: You were born in a Military Hospital. Half your toddler years were spent being looked after by Bhaiyas (no explanation here). You went to school either on Bhaiya’s cycle or in a Shaktiman. You know what a Shaktiman is. ( No! it isn’t the TV serial about half man and half machine starring AB lookalike). Jeeps and Jongas don’t excite you - they were your regular mode of transport! The only alternative to the Central School was the Army School. You always called Kendriya Vidyalaya Central School. Gosh even today that sounds better! Your entire family could survive in one room temporary quarters with 25 trunks, wooden crates, the dog, the bedroll and two bhaiyas flitting around. The smell of Brasso and shoe polish was regular staple. Mess was not what you created in your room, it was where you went every Friday for the free “English” movie. The “English Movie” was very often a western and you couldn’t follow a word! Sometimes you just went for the samosas and the local drink that they insisted was Cola. At the end of the month your dad had to pay for many pink slips showing how many samosas and local drinks that they insisted was Cola you had consumed. They never missed any!!! You attended many May Queen Balls before you knew what Miss India was. Your mother regularly got dressed, perfumed and dissappeared for the Ladies Club. You knew towns like Mhow, Wellington, Deolali and Bhuj. You weren’t a millionaire but hey you had Swimming, Horse Riding, Squash, Tennis and Golf!! You thought the main reason to have a Institute was to have a Holi Bash. You can still take one quick look at the epaulets and figure out the rank. You discussed Wednesday’s Chitrahaar in the Shaktiman. You can still recall the special & particular smell of the CSD canteen! A special prize for the correct concoction - mine is - it was a mix of Hamam Soap, Ponds Dreamflower Talc & Surf I think. In some corners it had overtures of Brooke Bond red Label as well. Your vacations were a package deal consisting of D-forms, Sharma Uncle Ka jonga and EME Mess ka kamra ...

August 18, 2009 · Amit Bahree

WHS and iPhone

This of course is not new – just new to me. If you have an HP MediaSmart WHS (Windows Home Server) then you can stream music, photos and videos directly from your WHS to your iPhone – how sweet is that. More details here . Maybe I should look at getting a HP one when my existing 8+ year old WHS dies (touch wood). ...

July 13, 2009 · Amit Bahree

Geeky Your Momma Jokes

If you have been following me on Twitter , you will see a few of the following few geeky your momma jokes. Your momma is so fat and stupid, her dress size is int.MaxValue and her IQ is int.MinValue. Your momma so fat, she has her own address space. (this is my favourite) And of course there are loads more . ...

July 12, 2009 · Amit Bahree

My New Mobile


June 20, 2009 · Amit Bahree

Major Network Attack

Wow! Looks like a lot of bots suddenly woke up – major attack in progress. image

June 17, 2009 · Amit Bahree

Moving my Study

Well, not really – am not moving my study at home, but if I was this feels like that. IMAGE_005 IMAGE_007

June 15, 2009 · Amit Bahree

Image detection - how, what, where - any insights?

I don’t have much experience with image detection in a video, and wanted to understand what options are possible – all I know it is not as simple as “CSI” makes it out to be – yet. Here is the scenario: Say I have a remote controlled aircraft (a mini helicopter) which among other things has a camera fitted which is filming over a certain area. I use a training set and somehow “train” the camera to look for certain objects and recognise data points of that object and learn it to recognize that object (for example a human in Pink). Now once this is trained, if the helicopter is over another area and recording I want it to be able to recognise these pre-trained images in that video feed and do something if something is found (e.g. a human in pink). ...

June 2, 2009 · Amit Bahree

Creating an Event Source via a Reg File

If you ever tried to write to the event log, without an event source for that application created you will get an exception saying something along the lines of that you do not have permissions to create the event source. If an event source does not exist, it is automatically created. The creation of the event source is a privileged operation and requires elevated privileges (a.k.a admin privileges) which of course might not always be possible if running a web application. ...

May 19, 2009 · Amit Bahree

Upgrading Enterprise Edition to Ultimate (Vista or Win7)

If you are ever in a situation where you want to upgrade say from Vista Enterprise edition to Win 7 Ultimate edition - by default you cannot do this. When you insert your Win7 disc you won’t find the upgrade option available and the only way you see forward is to do a complete fresh install (after backing up your data of course). However, that is very time consuming and of course generally a lot of pain. ...

May 18, 2009 · Amit Bahree


I build my first MCE a few years ago and since then not looked back – despite a few of my screw ups . In our household the MCE is used a lot and it really has changed the way we watch TV. One starts taking things for granted such as the ability pause live TV or rewind when you did not quite catch the last dialogue. And this was brought more in focus when during the transition from the old MCE to the new MCE (more on that in a second). ...

May 5, 2009 · Amit Bahree

Follow me on Twitter

Interestingly I am more active on Twitter over the last 2-3 weeks than here; I guess that might be because it is easier to dump a quick thought – which I suppose one can do here but kind of “seems out of place” (yeah, weird!). Another contributing factor is I have been extremely busy – both on work front and also on the personal front (between relatives visiting and my assignments does not leave me any time). ...

April 25, 2009 · Amit Bahree


This is a collection of leave letters and applications written by people in various places of India … of course English is not their strong point. 1. Infosys, Bangalore : An employee applied for leave as follows: Since I have to go to my village to sell my land along with my wife, please sanction me one-week leave. 2. This is from Oracle Bangalore: From an employee who was performing the “ mundan ” ceremony of his 10 year old son: “as I want to shave my son’s head, please leave me for two days…” ...

April 21, 2009 · Amit Bahree

foldl' better than foldl

In Haskell the foldl’ function defined in the module Data.List is better than foldl because that does not use a thunk . A thunked expression requires an internal stack. As an expression can grow infinitely large, the runtime imposes a limit on the size of this stack. As the simple example below shows that given a large enough input the stack will overflow. ...

April 4, 2009 · Amit Bahree

RAID Blues

On my machine running all the VM’s at home – one disk has failed. I have not replaced it, instead marked it as OK and am rebuilding the volume now. Second time this has happened – if it happens once more then maybe it is time to actually replace the physical disc. *Sigh* I hate disc failures.

April 4, 2009 · Amit Bahree

Red Rum

This is pretty cool – saw it on BBC’s One Show, a dog saying Red Rum .

April 4, 2009 · Amit Bahree

Interesting Find #18

Cloud vs. Cloud – guided tour of Amazon, AppNexus, GoGrid and Google. Azure is missing but given its late-alpha/early-beta state not surprising. SheevaPlug Development Kit – this is a development platform targeted for use as a plug computer , and designed to run network-based software services and has a embedded Marvel Sheeva CPU core ; quite interesting. Office 14 – next version of Office will have “online versions”. Loopa Bowl – the link has all the details; buy it here (in the US). KidsMenu – an OS for Kids - seems to be a shell running on Windows. Boogie – an intermediate verification language. New windows mobile ads – I do feel like throwing the phone sometimes. – name says it all – pretty cool. Of course nothing new but makes it easy in situations where you don’t have access to the tools or the non-techy friends/families you have out there. Microsoft Web App Gallery – cool, open source tools build on MS stack. Resetting your Admin pwd in Vista – quite scary actually. (via The Dogmatix ). ...

April 1, 2009 · Amit Bahree

Creating a bootable USB drive for Windows

Dave has an excellent post on how to create a bootable USB drive for installing Vista or maybe Win 7. You could also use WinRAR to extract your ISO directly on to the flash drive (after formatting it as NTFS of course). A couple of points to remember though: Make sure you use a “flash” drive (or USB stick) and not a USB HDD drive as some of those have issues with this. Check different USB ports – all of them may not allow to boot up. ...

March 24, 2009 · Amit Bahree

Network Attacks

I am getting DOS attacks from the following IPs at home. Some of these are honeypots . And Port Scans from this guy/gal (apparently in China)

March 24, 2009 · Amit Bahree

WHS now on MSDN

Windows Home Server (the amazing little box), is finally available on MSDN. I had bought an OEM license soon after it had come out and have been using it for some time at home. This can only be good and allow a wider set of adoption. If you have not used it – I would highly recommend that you do. Here is the screenshot from MSDN: ...

March 24, 2009 · Amit Bahree