Vonage's Click2Call finally available

I have used Vonage’s Click2Call functionality while I was in the US and loved it; they have finally released the same thing for the UK (finally)! If you don’t know what this is then read up on it here ; you can download it form here (3.0 mb). ...

July 13, 2006 · Amit Bahree

Bill G stepping down as Chief Architect

Bill Gates is handing over the reins of the role of Chief Architect to Ray Ozzie by July 2008 - two years is a long time, but nevertheless Bill would be missed by most of us.

June 16, 2006 · Amit Bahree

Sharepoint v3 Installation Fails

I was trying to setup Sharepoint “v3” which is part of Office 2007; the Beta 1 Technical Refresh installs without a problem, but when I try and configure Sharepoint it fails in Step 2 and I get the error shown below. You can click on the image to see the full size. However, when I trawl through the log file, I did find a few exceptions, a couple of which are listed below. The only reason the font is small on those is so it would fit and render fine in here. You can copy and paste that in notepad or something and see if in a bigger font; alternatively you can download the log file (see the end of this posting). ...

March 28, 2006 · Amit Bahree

System Stability Chart in Longhorn

If you go to the Computer Management tool in Longhorn (Dec CTP), then you will something called the System Stability Chart, which shows you how stable the system has been including Software Installs/UnInstalls, Failures (including Apps, Drivers, Hardware, Windows), etc. Its pretty cool and should help narrow down cause of failures - quite helpful in a corporate environment. Here is a screen shot from one of my VMs. ...

January 6, 2006 · Amit Bahree

Bad bad coldplay or EMI?

Not sure if I agree with the assessment that its Coldplay that is bad, rather I think its EMI. Seems like the whole Sony Saga again.

December 31, 2005 · Amit Bahree

Stupid Media Player Blogging Plugin

This is the not the first time this has happened, but in case you were seeing a few of my previous posts, no I am not listening to the same song by Bon Jovi (in a loop), but the media player blogging plug has bugs! It for some reason is stuck on that - does not matter even if I have Media Player even open or not. So its turned off for now, don’t have the time to find a fix. If someone out there knows a solution let me know. (BTW, I am running Media Player 10). ...

December 19, 2005 · Amit Bahree

Want an iPod Nano, then read this first?

Seems like there have been many cases where the iPod Nano gets scratched very easily, making it useless for viewing pictures and song names, etc that is playing. The Register has an article covering it including and the thread on apple’s newsgroup is already up to 240 posts on the issue. ...

September 24, 2005 · Amit Bahree

Microsoft releases "Official" Windows Vista screenshots

Check it out here .

July 28, 2005 · Amit Bahree

Vista Beta 1 now available on MSDN

A colleague of mine, pointed this out and seems like MS has released the Beta 1 for Longhorn (now called Vista), on MSDN . If you are universal subscriber you can download it. But, its a hefty 2.GB d/l! Below is my screen shot from my login. ...

July 28, 2005 · Amit Bahree

Desktop Management Programs - feedback?

I came across two Desktop management programs - Konfabulator and SmartBar XP and want to know what your review on them are? Some of the reviews I read talked about SmartBar being slow and others raving about how Konfabulator is pretty neat. What do you think? ...

July 16, 2005 · Amit Bahree

Blog Offline

This blog will be offline tomorrow as the server this is hosted on has SP1 being installed. Date: Friday Evening, July 8th, 2005 Time Window: 9:00PM - 2:00am PST During this time window, the server will be offline for approximately 60 minutes.

July 7, 2005 · Amit Bahree

Dell's new Laser Printer (less than $100)

Yep, you read it right, Dell’s new laser printer 1100 sells for $100 in the US or £84 in the UK (including tax and delivery) and does feature some impressive specs (for its price) - such as 600 dpi and 15 ppm. Maybe its time I did not worry about getting a transformer for my HP LaserJet 2100 (which runs on 110v and the wall here in UK has 220v) and just bought this. ...

June 22, 2005 · Amit Bahree

The perfect workstation

Back in March I was looking to get a new chair for my home office, but now how about a whole new desk and chair ? I don’t know if that is Chinese or Japanese or some other language, but can anyone find out how much does it cost? ...

June 21, 2005 · Amit Bahree

Yahoo Messenger (Beta)

In case you have not heard there is a new beta of Yahoo Messenger that adds a load of features. I have been using it for about a month or so and it works well for the most part - remember it is still in Beta. Now you can even make phone calls, read the related story . ...

June 21, 2005 · Amit Bahree

Cisco's XML Device?

Off the top of my head I cannot think of any true value for this (also I am not a System Engineer, so maybe its just that). Cisco is ready to release a new device that hands XML traffic and is supposed to bring “advanced XML security and management capabilities”. Cisco has a new new AON (Application-Oriented Networking) group (*groan*, talk about overusing a terminology) and has partnered with leading middle ware vendors such as SAP and IBM. The device is suppose to add new functions such as XML message parsing, schema validation and digital signature validation. ...

June 16, 2005 · Amit Bahree

Tor: Anonymous Internet Communication – Feedback?

Well I have been thinking of something like this and stumbled across Tor: An anonymous Internet communication system via /. Has anyone used this? What do they think? What is it? Tor is a toolset for a wide range of organizations and people that want to improve their safety and security on the Internet. Using Tor can help you anonymize web browsing and publishing, instant messaging, IRC, SSH, and more. Tor also provides a platform on which software developers can build new applications with built-in anonymity, safety, and privacy features. ...

June 11, 2005 · Amit Bahree

Input Alternatives

If you are worried about repetitive-strain injuries, then check out a few alternative devices that you might find more comfortable.

June 10, 2005 · Amit Bahree

Update on ClickOnce

Well it seems I stand corrected (sort of), and these are rare moments so enjoy it.. *grin*, seems like it was a user error (again sort of - in a minute on that) when I talked about the issues with ClickOnce earlier. The problem there was that the installation can only be supported via http and not using ftp (which I have chosen), once you change it to http you are golden. Moving on, why do I say a user error (sort of)? Well mainly because the Publish Wizard as far as I can see is not very explicit about this and unless you know (which now you do), you will get into this issue. ...

June 9, 2005 · Amit Bahree

Revenge on the Sith available on DVD

But to get your hands on one you have to go to China … or ask someone you might know there…

May 22, 2005 · Amit Bahree

.NET Framework 2.0 Beta 2 Obsolete APIs

In the Beta 2 version of the .NET Framework 2.0 product, there are various APIs that have been added in since V1.1, but are marked obsolete. All of these APIs will be removed from the product at V2.0 release. These are APIs which were added during the beta cycles of the V2.0 product lifetime, but as a result of design changes and/or product feedback, have subsequently been replaced, or will simply be removed. It is paramount for your ability to easily move forward to the final V2.0 release of the product that these obsolete APIs not be referenced. This list is the APIs which will be removed before the final release of V2.0. ...

April 27, 2005 · Amit Bahree

Rise of the blogs

CIOInsight has an article discussing the rise of blogs on how they are being embraced by the corporate world and in other cases they are not including some best practices (most of which is common sense) on what you as an individual should or should not do. Also has a few examples from big corporations around the world and their IT Managers to CIO’s. Since you are reading this, obviously this is no new news to you…. :) ...

April 27, 2005 · Amit Bahree

Got a space to play with ASP.NET 2.0

Not sure if you were keeping an eye or not, but I got some space to play with ASP.NET - something that is exposed to the net and not only my machines at home - does bring up some interesting possibilities. If you want me to upload some code that you might have to run then let me know, we just need to coordinate as I cannot create subfolders (unfortunately) - yet anyways. :) ...

April 26, 2005 · Amit Bahree

What is new in IIS 7?

Though there have been lots of talk in Longhorn (especially recently), and I have dabbed in it previously, now some interesting bits are being released on what are the new features in IIS 7. The coolest one of these is the componentization of IIS where all of IIS’s functions will be specific components which can be turned on or off. This means that when you install the Web server, you’ll be able to add only the functionality you need, one piece at a time. ...

March 28, 2005 · Amit Bahree

Recommendation for a Ergonomic Chair for Home-Office?

I am looking (Karan has been on the lookout also) for a good ergonomic chair for my study at home and want to get your feedback on which ones you like and what do you think the price is right for that? I also need to take into account shipping to UK if something is only available in the US (or buying in the US and shipping to UK given the £ to $ ratio). ...

March 21, 2005 · Amit Bahree

I am still alive!

Don’t worry, you guys are not that lucky, I am still alive and kicking, just been busy at work (hey I do need to work sometimes). Between work and doing my World Clock and finalizing the components for the Media Center PC (yep, after long debate, most of the components are ordered) , did not leave me too much time to blog. In addition to all this trying to figure out which TV to buy (I don’t own a TV as of now if you believe it), which cable/satellite service to subscribe to, and travel (am in lovel Brussels where the temperature today is in the mid 60’s - how sweet is that). But, as promised, the sandbox will be up soon , along with the details and some source code. Also you will have the full details on the Media Center once it is up - all in good time. :) ...

March 16, 2005 · Amit Bahree