Forbes rich list

Forbes rich list is Slim pickings. Only lack of ability, inheritance and money keeps the rest of us off the Forbes list of world’s billionaires. It’s not fair? Here is Guardian's recipe for billionaire success: get born into a rich family, invent something and sell it to Americans. Win. :)

March 11, 2010 · Amit Bahree

Bing Maps adding Flickr images, live video, stars

Bing Maps adding Flickr images, live video and stars - very cool. Update: The official TED video below is quite cool and in addition to the one above, also adds more interesting features such as video – check it out.

February 14, 2010 · Amit Bahree

Win 3.1 experience in your browser

If you ever wanted a Win 3.1 experience in your broswer (why I cannot imagine - despite me running a VM ), then check out . The irony of all of this is that there is a modern browser in that which seems to be compliant with the standards (it pases the ACID2 tests; fails the ACID3). 🤨 ...

January 24, 2010 · Amit Bahree

Permalinks don't support quotes?

I don’t know if this is a feature or a bug or a configuration issue either with WordPress itself or how the web server is configured where this blog is hosted. I just posted something about compiler errors where the permalink had a single quotes in its title like : ‘qpainter-painter’-has-initialiser-but-incomplete-type. While this was handled fine by WordPress (I could successfully preview the post as well), once it was published I got the generic 500 Internal Server Error as shown below. So the question is what is wrong (if anything)? What is the expected behaviour? The only way for me to fix it was by removing the single quote in the permalinks as now you can see in the post . ...

January 10, 2010 · Amit Bahree

WordPress ping list

I updated the ping list for the blog based on the suggestions from Vladimir which I found via WordPress's documentation site . Not sure if it is of any help or not, but I guess I will find out.

January 7, 2010 · Amit Bahree

Upgraded to WordPress 2.9

I just upgraded to WordPress 2.9 and wow what a pleasant experience compared to Community Server 2007! Excluding backing up the DB and the site, the actual upgrade took only a few seconds and was so painless! Such a different experience from Community Server 2007, which was so much more difficult. Loving WordPress and all the add-ins and the goodness of the communities! :mrgreen:

December 24, 2009 · Amit Bahree

10 must have WordPress plugins

If you search online you will loads of ‘best plugin lists’ for WordPress, however of the lot that I have seen I truly think that this one is certainly one of the best ones.

December 8, 2009 · Amit Bahree

Want Virtual Snow on your site?

If you want virtual snow (probably nicer than the real stuff as there is no slush left to clean up) then check out Snowstorm: JavaScript snow effect for HTML . Be warned though - this uses a lot of CPU on the computer redendering the page and it will slow things down. Quite cool though.

December 5, 2009 · Amit Bahree

Redirects setup

After moving the blog to WordPress, almost all my redirects should work now from the old blog posts to the new one. For example if you click on this old url it should redirect you and you see the new and correct url. Overall it was simple to setup via the .htaccess file and some simple regex. The only thing I found the hard way was that I should be using “RedirectMatch” when setting up the regex rule rather than the “Redirect” which is what I was using. You would use Redirect when trying to redirect without any variables. ...

December 2, 2009 · Amit Bahree

Linux Hater blog

I was looking for something else and came across the Linux Hater Blog . I am not a Linux hater (am writing this on Ubuntu). Some people might think this is funny, but there is a dark undercurrent running in the posts. I honestly stopped reading after a couple of posts. I don’t know why is there so much hate against Linux in this blog. ...

November 26, 2009 · Amit Bahree

Suggestions on how best to configure Permalink Settings?

Any suggestions how best to configure the Permalink settings in WordPress? I still need to fix all my old links from this blog when it was running on Community Server 2007. CS 2007 use to use something like /archive/year/month/day/unique-id. Is that the best way to go now as well or are there better and more flexible options? Also I tried using the %tag% field, but it does not like it and had to revert to using %categories% as you probably can see. Again, any suggestions there? ...

November 26, 2009 · Amit Bahree

Add-in recommendation for displaying code in a post?

I searched and found a lot of Wordpress addins/widgets for displaying code in a post and was wondering if there are any recommendations? I need to be able to show XML, C++, C, C# primarily. F# and Haskell would be nice but not essential. Update: Also should be able to use Windows Live Writer when posting the code. Am I asking for too much here? :) ...

November 23, 2009 · Amit Bahree

Time to ditch CS 2007 nearer?

I have said it in the past about me moving away from CS to WordPress . I just stumbled across this post from Scott who has done exactly the same thing. So maybe the time to ditch CS is coming near. I just need some free time to try this. ...

August 24, 2009 · Amit Bahree

Creating a bootable USB drive for Windows

Dave has an excellent post on how to create a bootable USB drive for installing Vista or maybe Win 7. You could also use WinRAR to extract your ISO directly on to the flash drive (after formatting it as NTFS of course). A couple of points to remember though: Make sure you use a “flash” drive (or USB stick) and not a USB HDD drive as some of those have issues with this. Check different USB ports – all of them may not allow to boot up. ...

March 24, 2009 · Amit Bahree

Network Attacks

I am getting DOS attacks from the following IPs at home. Some of these are honeypots . And Port Scans from this guy/gal (apparently in China)

March 24, 2009 · Amit Bahree

Win 7 and loading ISO’s

If you are on Win 7 (any build) you will find quickly that Daemon tools don’t work on that. Even if it was working, I would in any case recommend ditching Daemon tools and recommend using Virtual Clone Drive which not only is free but also works like a champ. I use it on Vista as well.

March 19, 2009 · Amit Bahree

Disable Auto-tuning on Windows

Receive Window Auto-Tuning is a feature in this version of Windows that improves networking performance when you are using newer networking hardware, but the feature might cause problems with older networking hardware. Sometimes, disabling Auto-Tuning might solve your problem. To disable Auto-Tuning: Click the Start button , and then, in the Search box, type cmd. Press CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER to run the program as an administrator. If you are prompted for an administrator password or confirmation, type the password or provide confirmation. At the command prompt, type netsh int tcp set global autotuninglevel=disable, and then press Enter. When the process has finished, restart your computer. If this procedure does not solve the problem, you can turn Auto-Tuning back on by repeating steps a and b of this procedure, typing netsh int tcp set global autotuninglevel=normal, and then pressing Enter.

March 17, 2009 · Amit Bahree

Am tweeting now

Although I have had an account for some time on Twitter, I just have not been bothered until now. Anyways, that is changing – am tweeting now . You can follow me there if you choose to – though not sure if I am going to make any more sense there than here.

March 11, 2009 · Amit Bahree

Avanade Surface Demo

This is a cool Surface demo build my a few colleagues which showcases a hospitality demo. We build this and got it up and running out of our Avanade London office. :)

March 9, 2009 · Amit Bahree

What Blogging Engine (other than CS)?

I am using Community Server 2007 for my blog. I originally started in .Text (which some of you ‘old timers’ might remember as being open source) and had modified the code a fair amount to something I wanted. Over the years stuck with that and then CS 1.0, 2.0, etc as .Text was ‘morphed’ into Community Server (CS) from Telligent. While overall I have been happy with CS 2007 off late I have been quite put off with it due to a few reasons: ...

March 3, 2009 · Amit Bahree

U2 and BCC

The BCC hosted a “secret” and surprise gig for U2 where they played on the roof of the BBC Broadcasting House on Regents Street in London. I heard about it in the news and then watched it via the Red Button . It was only a few songs but it was awesome. Of course, you can catch it again on iPlayer (for those of you in the UK). Those who cannot get to iPlayer can watch the whole thing on YouTube . ...

March 1, 2009 · Amit Bahree

Finding out which DC you logged on to?

If for some reason you are curious to know which DC (Domain Controller) you logged on to then all you need to do is use the LOGONSERVER environment variable. Of course this means your machine is already part of a domain. The easiest way to see this will be to type the following in a cmd prompt: echo %logonserver%

February 21, 2009 · Amit Bahree

Top 10 Technology Priorities (for 2009)

Gartner has published CIO’s top 10 Technology priorities for 2009, which are: Business intelligence Enterprise applications (ERP, CRM and others) Servers and storage technologies (virtualization) Legacy application modernization Collaboration technologies Networking, voice and data communications Technical infrastructure Security technologies Service-oriented applications and architecture Document management

January 16, 2009 · Amit Bahree

New Way to listen to Radio

I always have been a huge fan of Screamer Radio and still cannot recommend it enough! There are a couple of other ways as well if you prefer that. One is the new open source application called Songbird which is my choice for listening to Music. Songbird is from the same guys who wrote Firefox and the quality is pretty good. I particularly like the Lyrics add-on which displays lyrics of the song you are listening to. Another add-on can scrobble to . ...

January 4, 2009 · Amit Bahree

Happy New Year 2009

Hope the year is good to all of you!

January 1, 2009 · Amit Bahree