Still like NY?

I personally don’t like New York at all - especially New York city, it is a great place for a weekend, but that is it, I won’t live there for a million bucks! And this just makes it another reason on my “don’t like it” list. A telecommuter who lives out of state while working by computer for a New York employer must pay New York tax on his full income, the state’s highest court ruled Tuesday in a case that could have wide implications in the growing practice....

March 30, 2005 · Amit Bahree

Find a Human!

How many times have you wished you had someone to talk to when the order you placed online is botched? I know I had this recently, when Amazon screwed up and I was waiting to talk to someone and in the end had to email a general customer service account and go back and forth on that many times before it was fixed - something that would take only a couple of minutes on the phone....

March 1, 2005 · Amit Bahree

Live and Learn

Incase you have been extra vigilant you might have noticed a new category called Live and Learn. This as the name suggests is a category, where I can post my screw up of life be it technical in nature or anything else - the idea being I should be able to get back to it and reflect and hopefully learn from it! If not, then, well I would just be getting more creative in my excuses won’t I?...

January 13, 2005 · Amit Bahree