Problems causing Win 7 to shutdown slowly

I am having issues with Win 7 – keeps hanging (will post that another time); but I like the irony of things causing this (see screen show below). BTW, if you can get to the Performance Information and Tools via Control Panel => All Control Panel Items =>Performance Information and Tools => Advanced Tools.

January 27, 2009 · Amit Bahree

EC2 for Windows now available

Amazon’s EC2 is now available for Windows – squeaking in just before PDC was to kick off. This is quite exciting as it allows you to scale out and try something at a very low cost on Windows. If you want to manage your EC2 environment, you can use the Firefox add-in called Elasticfox ; there is also a C# library which wraps EC2’s web service API making them easier to consume from .NET. ...

October 26, 2008 · Amit Bahree

Does the world end today?

As the Large Hadron Collider is switched on today, the Guardian has a story saying that there are many people calling the CERN to find out if the world ends today? Apparently is completely safe and will not be doing anything that has not happened ‘100,000 times over’ in nature since the earth has existed. ...

September 8, 2008 · Amit Bahree


You might have heard of Photosynth - it was announced last year; but if you ever wondered what the big deal was about Photosynth (or have not heard of it), then check out this video . Also this is open to all now for free. ...

September 1, 2008 · Amit Bahree

Live Mesh - Tech Preview

You might have heard of the new “Cloud” service from Microsoft called Live Mesh . You can get more details on the team’s blog and a few videos . While I have the Mesh bits installed for a few weeks I only recently started using it and was very handy when I wanted to get to some information on one of the Wiki’s running at home. ...

June 17, 2008 · Amit Bahree

Windows 7

Wow! What a week - so much talk of the next version of Windows code-named “7”. Of course the multi-touch (see video below) is what everyone is talking about. Now, this is cool because it is the evolution of the Surface which is scaled down to a screen. If you have not seen a Surface - it is quite big and works with five infrared cameras which picks up the gestures and then knows what to do with it (more on Surface at another time). ...

May 31, 2008 · Amit Bahree

<configSections> blues

This stumped me for a while and I was not sure what I was doing wrong. Apparently it seems if you don’t have the <configSections> element in your app config file as the first thing then you get a weird error saying "Only one <configSections> element allowed ...." (see example below). The description is misleading - you will see this error even though you only have one <configSections> element in your config file. To fix this, move the <configSections> as the first element in your app config file and all will be well. ...

March 7, 2008 · Amit Bahree

The Printer Spy - tiny tracking dots on your printout!

This is scary! It seems like your printer is spying on you using tiny tracking dots which are automatically printed whenever you take a print out. Of course these dots are unique and can be tracked to your individual printer and are not visible to the naked eye (otherwise you won’t have noticed them, innit?) The US govt. has convinced most of the printer manufacturers to add this to every page. EFF highlighted the issue first and had issued a press release . Since then they have released a decoding guide that you can use to figure out how to find this. They also released a list of printers which either have or don’t have the dots; and also point the fact that just a “No” does not mean there is no forensic watermarking present, it just means there could be some other kind of marking. Make sure you are consulting this list whenever you next buy your printer. ...

March 7, 2008 · Amit Bahree


I did not know until this week that there was something called “Livelock”; Eh? I heard of Deadlock what the heck is Livelock? Well it is kind of the opposite of Deadlock (in some respects). A Deadlock as we know is when say Process A is waiting for Process B to finish or release some resource or something before continuing and Process B in turn is waiting for Process A before it continues - end result neither continues. ...

January 26, 2008 · Amit Bahree

Erlang : The Movie

I had not heard of this until Karan told me about Erlang which was originally developed by Ericsson and stands for Ericsson Language.

January 20, 2008 · Amit Bahree

Wii Whiteboard Marker a.k.a Surface

I got this via the Ava communities - John Lee created a Wii Whiteboard Marker - very cool. Now the only thing to figure out how the heck to get a projector. 😄

December 12, 2007 · Amit Bahree

Getting Vista SP1 via Windows Update

If you want to get Windows Vista using Windows Update then copy the following in a bat (or cmd) file and run it in an admin console (if you have UAC switched on); then run Windows Update. Also the SP1 is a Release Candidate and not the “final” version so use at your own risk! 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 @echo off reg delete HKEY\_LOCAL\_MACHINE\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\WindowsUpdate\\VistaSp1 /f > NUL 2>&1 reg delete HKEY\_LOCAL\_MACHINE\\SOFTWARE\\Wow6432Node\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\WindowsUpdate\\VistaSP1 /f > NUL 2>&1 reg add HKEY\_LOCAL\_MACHINE\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\WindowsUpdate\\VistaSp1 /v Beta1 /t REG\_SZ /d da2ba4db-dedb-437e-8e7e-104643454bb6 /f IF NOT %errorlevel% == 0 ( goto ERROR) :SUCCESS @echo. echo =========================================================== echo Windows Vista SP1 registry key has been set successfully. echo Please check for updates in Windows Update. echo =========================================================== @echo. goto END :ERROR @echo. echo =========================================================== echo FAILED to set Windows Vista SP1 registry keys. echo Please run this script by right clicking and selecting echo "Run as Administrator". echo =========================================================== @echo. goto END :END pause

December 11, 2007 · Amit Bahree

.NET "Micro" Framework

No, there is no typo in the title of this post - there is a .NET “Micro” Framework (which is a Microsoft stack in case you were wondering). I had not heard of such a thing until today (but then I have not done any embedded stuff for a while). ...

September 7, 2007 · Amit Bahree

SoftGrid available on MSDN

This is probably old news, but is new to me. I logged into MSDN to check something else out and saw that SoftGrid is now available on MSDN. I have had the bits internally for some time, but now anyone with MSDN login can get it. If you have never heard or seen SoftGrid you would be quite amazed how powerful it is. Unlike most virtualization software which virtualizes OS’s (VMware, Virtual PC, etc.) SoftGrid virtualizes applications - so you have have multiple versions of the same application installed and running at the same time without conflicting with each other! Now I have not had a chance to play with this to see how it handles various dev related software like the debugger, various windows services, IIS, SQL Server, etc. but it sure works like a charm for “client app’s”. If you want to see more then check out Getting Started with SoftGrid and the Lazy Admin’s What is SoftGrid . ...

August 14, 2007 · Amit Bahree

VS.NET 2008 with "Avalanche"

I have been meaning to post this for a few days but not had the change. In the meantime it seems this has was picked up by /. (among others) and since then it has become fairly well publicized. MSR (Microsoft Research) has a research project about “file swarming with network coding” or in simple terms peer-to-peer called Avalanche . This is different from the “normal” P2P networks that you might have used in the past. Those networks distribute blocks of files via swarming to all the nodes on the mesh network and as the the number of nodes increases, the harder it becomes to schedule these chunks of file in an optimal manner. So, how is Avalanche different you ask? Well here is what they have to say about it: ...

August 3, 2007 · Amit Bahree

Taking Windows Home Server for a spin

Even though I have been part of the Windows Home Server (a.k.a WHM) beta for a while, those bits I was mostly running in a VM and did not get to installing it on a dedicated box until RC1 came out. It certainly is quite interesting and opens up various possibilities especially in a non-techy family. Also the fact that it is “designed” to be run headless certainly makes it easy and able to hide in a corner/room/garage/cupboard/shed(?)/whatever. ...

July 17, 2007 · Amit Bahree

Reassigning Ctrl+Enter in IE

If you ever wanted to reassign what Ctrl+Enter does in IE from the default of adding http://www. before and “.com” after what you entered in the address bar. Say you wanted to change this to go to “.net” or “” then it is a simple registry change as shown by Ramesh . Of course any registry change for the inexperienced is a daunting task and I suggest backing it up just incase you mess it up. ...

July 2, 2007 · Amit Bahree

Computer Languages History

The Computer Languages timeline was posted in one of the internal Avanade communities by a colleague and is pretty cool. Seems like Fortran was the “father” (or “mother” depending on your perspective) of all languages. 😄

June 7, 2007 · Amit Bahree

Windows Live Writer Beta 2 - finally!

Windows Live Writer, after a lot of talk , finally has an update in the shape of Beta 2 and in addition to the obvious ones (such as support of Sharepoint 2007 and Windows Live Spaces) there are more features. Some of the new features are table editing, better category support, new API’s (which I cannot attribute having never programmed against the API), etc. However, the plugin section does seem to finally be integrated better since I last saw it which was a while ago. ...

June 3, 2007 · Amit Bahree

Got time to kill?

Then check out IP Spotting , I am not so sure what the intent of this site is, but nevertheless it is sure geeky (and cool) . Here are the results when I am connected via HSDPA . Score: your IP address has scored: 8. Of the 291663 IP’s spotted so far, this is ranked: 178179. ...

May 23, 2007 · Amit Bahree

HSDPA (i.e 3.5G) Speed Results

In addition to 3G speed results I had posted earlier, below are the HSDPA and 3.5G speed results from home. Click on the image below to see them in full size. Summary: Upload: Download: ...

May 15, 2007 · Amit Bahree

3G Speed Results

Over the weekend I got a HSDPA / 3.5G USB modem and here are the 3G speed results of that from home. Click on the images to see them in full size. I’ll post the 3.5G results soon as well. Summary: Download Results: Upload Results: ...

May 14, 2007 · Amit Bahree

Family.Show = I see Dead People

Vertigo has a very cool WPF application called Family.Show which exploits many of the new WPF features (data binding, sexy visualization, styles, templates, animation, etc.) and is a good example of the new “Web + Desktop” app hybrids combining the advantages of both paradigms. Family.Show is a genealogy application that you can use to build your family tree. The timeline implementation is very cool and you can “speed or slow down” time and see how your family tree (or forest) ...

May 5, 2007 · Amit Bahree

New Yahoo Web Messenger

Keeping up with their cool AJAX implementation (part of Yahoo Mail), Yahoo has now implemented a Web version of their Yahoo Messenger. I like the interface - fairly simple which makes it good. Now just waiting for the Vista version of Yahoo Messenger .

May 5, 2007 · Amit Bahree

Update on Joost

Right, quick update on my previous post on Joost - I do have at the moment of writing this 998 Joost invitations; though still only 26 channels. And I don’t know what you guys are seeing, but the channels are not quite smooth and get quite jerky.

May 4, 2007 · Amit Bahree