Backing up TeslaMate data to OneDrive

I have been running a couple of instances of Teslamate - one locally on a server at home and another in Azure in a Ubuntu VM (see 👉 this blog post for details). I have been backing up the data to a NAS and then an offsite backup for the local instance. For the Azure instance, I have been running various backups during the day and backing up the data to OneDrive....

July 5, 2024 · Amit Bahree

SLMs - Running Phi-3 on an iphone and locally

We released Phi-3 recently, which builds on Phi-2 ( read more on that here ) and it is a great model to use for various tasks. In this post, we will show how to run Phi-3 locally including a demo of it running on a phone. There should have been a video here but your browser does not seem to support it. 1. What are Small Language Models (SLMs)? Before diving into running Phi-2 locally, let’s take a moment to understand the concept of small language models (SLMs) and their significance in natural language processing (NLP)....

May 8, 2024 · Amit Bahree

SLMs - How to run Phi-2 Locally, and implement RAG

1. What are Small Language Models (SLMs)? Before diving into running Phi-2 locally, let’s take a moment to understand the concept of small language models (SLMs) and their significance in natural language processing (NLP). A SLM is a type of AI model that has been trained on a massive dataset of text but is limited in terms of its size and capabilities compared to a Large Language Model (LLM). SLMs are designed to be more lightweight and efficient, making them suitable for various applications, including chatbots, language translation, and content generation....

March 13, 2024 · Amit Bahree

📚 My new book "Generative AI in Action"

🌐 As software continues to revolutionize the world, the advent of Generative AI is transforming the very fabric of software itself. My latest book, Generative AI in Action delves into this transformative journey. I am thrilled to announce the early release of my latest book, Generative AI in Action now available through Manning Early Access Program (MEAP) . This publication is a deep dive into the cutting-edge world of #GenerativeAI, #LLMs, #OpenAI, and #Azure #OpenAI, tailored specifically for enterprises....

November 14, 2023 · Amit Bahree

AI working with humans

What does AI think of humans and our humor? I asked #AI - #CodeInterpreter plugin for #ChatGPT to express its experience as an AI working with humans as a meme. It wrote this code to create the meme below. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np # Create a new figure with a white background fig, ax = plt....

July 8, 2023 · Amit Bahree

OpenAI's Whisper speech model - an overview

What is Whisper from OpenAI? Whisper is a speech recognition model (ASR – automatic speech recognition) from OpenAI. The model itself is multi-task model and as a result in addition to speech recognition, can also do language identification and speech translation across a number of languages. The model is open sourced and it comes in 5 sizes. Of these, 4 have a english-only variant which seem to perform better if one only needs english....

February 28, 2023 · Amit Bahree

PFOaaS - Polite Fork Off As A Service

API Introduction Polite Fork Off As A Service (or PFOaaS) - is a modern REST API that solves the problem of one telling people to politely fork off. 😇 There are days when we all need such a service for various reasons, and I think it is a great way to release some pent-up frustration. 🖤 It is also a great way to get some laughs too. This is of course meant for hard code engineers, writing RPC free code 😜...

January 2, 2023 · Amit Bahree

Using CoPilot beyond code

In the last week or so, all the range online has been #OpenAI’s new chatbot called #ChatGPT (you can read more details on ChatGPT here ). This also got me thinking, about how can we use #CoPilot more than just code. GitHub CoPilot as you might recall is your #AI powered pair-programmer. And as we can see below, it indeed is possible to use Codex as sort of a more general purpose usage....

December 10, 2022 · Amit Bahree

Nuget packages not found after installing Visual Studio 2022

I recently needed to install Visual Studio 2022 on one my existing machines to debug a new zeroshot model that has a dependency on our Speech SDK. The Speech SDK is one of our key #AI services in Cognitive Services (as part of #AzureAI). I already had VSCode running, but in this case I need the bigger brother. After installing Visual Studio, I could not get any nuget packages to install; I could not even fetch anything and didn’t matter what I used - the package manager console in Visual Studio, PowerShell, etc....

September 3, 2022 · Amit Bahree

How to run TeslaMate on Azure

If you have a Tesla, then you should absolutely check out TeslaMate which is data logger for your car(s) that one self-hosts. This uses the car’s API and gets all different kinds of telemetry of your drives, charging, batter conditions, acceleration, braking, parking, etc. I personally prefer this, over other online services (of which there are a few) - as it is giving away the keys to the kingdom - literally in this case (the Tokens used to authenticate and login)....

December 30, 2021 · Amit Bahree

AI writing AI code🤐

It is 2021. And we have #AI writing #AI code. 🤪 It is quite interesting, but also can be quite boring once you get beyond the initial technology, and just think of it as one of the tools in your arsenal. And getting to that point is a good think. As part of a think at work I recently started playing with GitHub Copilot , which is using GPT3 to be your pair programmer – helping write code....

October 10, 2021 · Amit Bahree

GPT-3 vs other AI powered assistants

I have been kicking the tires with Open AI’s #GPT-3 . Based on the screenshot below, it might be easy to think “oh boy does the model think highly of itself”, but as with most things in life - the devil is in the details.😃 The screenshot below was a forked version of davinci engine and follows the Q&A structure. GPT-3 vs other AI assistants Using OpenAI’s API is quite simple; perhaps too simple!...

June 21, 2021 · Amit Bahree



January 21, 2021 · Amit Bahree

Auto-update PowerShell and nag-free

If you are like me and get annoyed with the big PowerShell upgrade ’nag’ ‘reminder’ (see screenshot below); instead of trying to figure out what to download and install the update, there is a simpler way to get the latest update and address the nag. :) You can just run the code below in an elevated prompt to get the latest release of PowerShell - it is easy-peasy. :) 1 iex "& { $(irm https://aka....

January 11, 2021 · Amit Bahree

Changing Window Terminal's default directory

If you are like me, and don’t really have your work saved in the “%USERPROFILE%” it gets annoying after a time, to keep changing the directory. If there is one specific folder that you prefer, it is an easy configuration change in the profile setting - add a setting called “startingDirectory” and point it to the path you want. For example, I have a root folder called “src” where most of the code I am working on sits, and that’s where I wanted to default the terminal to....

January 8, 2021 · Amit Bahree

Getting list of users from Microsoft Teams

I recently needed to get a list of users that belong to a specific Microsoft Teams team - and there isnt anything out of the box to get this using the Teams app. AFAIK, the only way to do this is using the Microsoft graph API - for which there are a few options. For something quick (e.g. getting a list of users in a team), using the Graph explorer could be easy enough....

June 5, 2020 · Amit Bahree

Git and Code

I think this from xkcd sums up my afternoon quite nicely. Messed up a repo, and then was trying to ‘clean up’. A huge thank you to Lily, on the team, for working with me to cleaning up my mess, and helping me show some of the ropes. I know there are quite a few tutorials out there; a couple of these that I found including one from Lily. [Git syncing](http://git syncing) and a great beginner’s guide if you need that....

May 10, 2020 · Amit Bahree

Docker / Docker Compose on a Pi

Been playing with a few things at home, and as part of that was trying to get Docker and Docker Compose running on a Raspberry Pi. Docker Compose if you aren’t familiar with, allows one to run multi-container apps, and is very handy when building multi-tier layered applications - which are quite common. I was running it docker on my (Synology) NAS, but a recent update from them broke docker - specifically environment variables....

September 26, 2019 · Amit Bahree

Tesla API v3.9.1

Haven’t had time until now to explore on what is new as Tesla continues to push updates. The latest version as of this post is v3.9.1 which is what there I decompiled and when compared to the earlier version ( I had posted (v3.8.2) , there three new REST API’s outlined below. Service data from the car - not sure what exactly does this will. Need to try it. 1 2 3 4 5 "VEHICLE_SERVICE_DATA": { "TYPE": "GET", "URI": "api/1/vehicles/{vehicle_id}/service_data", "AUTH": true } Now, when I call that, I get a 200OK response (see below), so it is accepting the request, and that includes the bearer code in the header as expected....

August 29, 2019 · Amit Bahree

npm install blues - npm ERR! Error: Method Not Allowed

This is a output of a few frustrating hours (spanning over a few days - as and when I can get time), and finally got it fixed and working. Hopefully it might help someone who is also dealing with npm blues. When NodeJS and npm works, its awesome. But when it borks, it is worst than my code or so it seems :). Been playing with a few things and wanting to get a dashboard going with Grafana (and InfluxBD as a time-series DB)....

August 13, 2019 · Amit Bahree


A key virtue of a programmer is laziness. As an example it is what inspires me to automate my home to the point where I don’t have to lift a finger to switch on the light. Removing friction from a system is a anesthetic joy. The drug of efficiency, feels really good. I still write code and people get surprised by that sometimes - maybe it’s the quality of the code 🤓....

May 2, 2019 · Amit Bahree

Getting DonkeyCar working on a Mac

I have been playing with a #selfdriving car for a while , and that is super exciting. From a #AI and #ML perspective it is small scale but allows one to exploit all aspects of the tech stack and also appreciate the limitations of not only the software but also the hardware. With this, You run a NN on a raspberry pi that uses TensorFlow, and Keras and run inference on the edge....

March 12, 2019 · Amit Bahree

VSCode + Python on a mac

As my experimentation continues, I wanted to get Visual Studio Code installed on a mac, and wanted to use python as the language of choice - main reason for the mac is to understand and explore the #ML libraries, runtimes, and their support on a mac (both natively and in containers - docker). Now, Microsoft has a very nice tutorial to get VSCode setup and running on a mac, including some basic configuration (e....

January 19, 2019 · Amit Bahree

Update on Tesla .ssq files

Sometime back, I noticed the car downloaded a large file (5.1 GB) which was a .ssq file. I hadn’t heard of a ssq file, and was curious on what this was. I researched a little and as it turns out, a .ssq file is a compressed file system which is often used in an embedded Linux system, where storage size might be a area of concern. This file-system is called SquashFS, and is usually used on a read-only mode....

October 9, 2018 · Amit Bahree

Tesla v9 API endpoints

In case you haven’t been following the news, Tesla is in the process of releasing the new firmware beta. I think many folks online are super interested in new autopilot upgrades. I reverse engineered the associated app and there are certainly a few new end points exposed, as outlined below. Need time to now figure out more details on this and what they entail. Also need time to see what changes in the existing code and json (data structure)....

October 2, 2018 · Amit Bahree